Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

© SuHang
Year of foundation: 1952
Approx. number of students: 24,000
MCI partner since: 2012

The City

Chengdu is the capital of the Sichuan province in Southwest China counting approx. 10 million inhabitants. Chengdu is one of the most important economic, transportation and communication centers in Western China. It was recently named China's 4th-most livable city by China Daily. The fertile Chengdu Plain, on which Chengdu is located, is also known as the "Country of Heaven".

The University

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) is an elite university and one of the leading financial universities in mainland China. The university was created as Sichuan Institute of Finance and Economics in 1952, when the colleges and departments of business and economics from 17 universities were restructured. In 1980, the People's Bank of China (PBC), China's central bank, took over the governance of the university and renamed it in 1985. PBC governed the university till February 2000, when the governance was transferred to the Ministry of Education.


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