Fontys University of Applied Sciences

© Casimir
Year of foundation: 1996
Approx. number of students: 40,000
Period of study: Early September-End January; Mid February-Mid June
MCI partner since: 2014

The City

Eindhoven has grown from a little town in 1232 to one of the biggest cities in the Netherlands with around 212,000 inhabitants in 2009. Much of its growth is due to Philips, DAF Trucks and Brabantia. Eindhove is located in Southern Netherlands.

The University

Fontys University of Applied Sciences is a Dutch university of applied sciences with several campuses located in the southern Netherlands. It offers 200 bachelor and master programs in the fields of technology, economics, social work, health care and teacher training. A selection of these programs is offered in English.
Fontys is based in the south of the Netherlands near the border with Germany and Belgium. The two largest Fontys campuses are located in the cities of Eindhoven and Tilburg. In Venlo, Fontys has recently established an International Campus.


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