SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Year of foundation: 1906
Approx. number of students: 18,000
Period of study: Mid September - Early February; Mid February - End June
MCI partner since: 2004

The City

Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland. Its population as of 2007 was estimated at 1,707,000. Warsaw is also known as the "phoenix city", as it was completely destroyed during World War II, and rebuilt with the heroic effort of Polish citizens.

The University

Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) is the oldest and renowned economic university in Poland.The Warsaw School of Economics offers courses leading to Bachelor's or Master's degrees to both full-time and extramural students. It also offers doctoral and Postgraduate programs. Its Finance and Accounting program is ranked in Top 40 European Masters in Management by Financial Times, 2008.


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