11. Mai 2020

Summer University Vienna

Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems | The Economy of the Future | Stop Climate Change Now!

There is no planet B!

We have to act now in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C. AEMS focuses on ways to restructure economic systems to embody sustainable use of resources and a more collaborative society overall.

At AEMS you learn about:

  • Ecological sustainability, population growth and the
    long-term management of natural resources and energy.
  • The variety of alternative economic and monetary
    systems that are already in practice worldwide.
  • Business ethics, consumerism, solidarity and the
    common good: The need for a new philosophy.


BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences contributes to a sustainable use of natural
resources by connecting natural sciences, engineering and economic sciences.

Economy for the Common Good offers an answer to current ecological, social and economic problems. As of 2019, more than 2,000 companies have committed themselves to the initiative.

Each year, OeAD student housing accommodates over 2,500 students in energy-efficient dormitories. It also won the 2013 Austrian Climate Protection Award.

Short Facts
  • July 20 - August 7, 2020
  • Venue: Online

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