TOCFL Test in Vienna, Austria

Date 20.02.2024

When and where will the TOCFL Listening & Reading test be held?
Education Division of TECO in Austria will hold the 2024 TOCFL Listening & Reading at 10:00AM on Saturday, April 27th, 2024 at the University of Vienna (Altes AKH, Spitalgasse 2/Hof 2, Door 2.3, 1090 Vienna).

How to register for the TOCFL Listening & Reading test?
Applicants should register on between February 21st and March 21st.

Please make your payment of the test fee(s) within one week after your registration and send the confirmation of payment via Email to Education Division, TECO in Austria Failure to do so may lead to cancelation of your registration without further notice.

In case a registration is canceled the applicant will need to proceed and complete the online registration again and make a payment.

Short Facts

Application fee: EUR 25,-

Please Note: If your bank charges any fees related to the transfer of the registration fee, these expenses have to be covered by you alone. The application fee is non-refundable. Applicants who have participated in TOCFL receive priority in award of the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship.

For further information, please contact Education Division:

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