Paul Nickisch
Paul Nickisch
KPIs, Key Account Management, E-Commerce, Customer Experience Management, Marketing
Lisa Lambertz
Lisa Lambertz
Pharmaceutical Access & Pricing
Judit Erdös
Judit Erdös
Health technology assessment, evidence based medicine, European health resarch projects, European health technology regulation, collaboration with various actors like patient organisations, industry, clinicians etc. on health research projects, development of standard operating procedures on European level (manual for collaborative research projects), health services research
Marcel Venema
Marcel Venema
Health policy, health systems, health financing, Primary Health Care
Thomas Otten
Thomas Otten
Health Economics, Health Technology Assessment, Health Economic Evaluations
Diana Ricarda Launert
Diana Ricarda Launert
Projektmanagement, Health IT, public health, consulting
Kevin van Rijt
Kevin van Rijt
Clinical informatics
Shalya Anand
Shalya Anand
Oral health, Healthy Ageing, Health literacy, HPV
Sonja Rossmann
Sonja Rossmann
Climate Change & Health, One Health, Planetary Health
Bilal Hashmi
Bilal Hashmi
Falsified medicines directive, pharmacy
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