To support the establishment of a forest kindergarten through research, the preparation of a contribution calculation, market analysis and survey. Considering a low-threshold access to a forest kindergarten.
Low-threshold access to a forest kindergarten is only possible with the support of sponsors or the government. There is great interest among the respondents for a place in a forest kindergarten. The willingness to pay of the parents surveyed is below the amount that a forest kindergarten would cost. There is a clear connection between income and willingness to pay. A shuttle service could help to solve the problem of a too long journey. In addition, the opening hours must be designed in such a way that parents can combine it with their jobs.
- Study Program: Nonprofit-, Gesundheits- und Sozialmanagement
- Team: Moser, Mössmer, Schindler, Zimmermann
- Supervisor(s): Windbichler, Heiss, Mevenkamp
- Partner Organisation: Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Innsbruck
- Year project was carried out: 2021
Partner Statement:
A great project that will certainly support us in the future to push the realization of the forest kindergarten. Through the exact plan and contribution calculation, an in-depth dialogue about the exact implementation can be started with all stakeholders. - Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Innsbruck