= Open Access
ACM Digital Library |
eJournals, conference proceedings and review papers by the Association for Computing Machinery, the world's oldest computing research society
Austrian Standards Normenlesesaal NEW! |
The reading room of Austrian Standards provides online access to selected standards packages from the Austrian Standards portfolio. Please ensure compliance with the applicable copyright and usage rights when using the standards! |
CAS Analytical Methods |
Features step-by-step instructions for analytical and synthetic methods in areas like pharmacology, HPLC, food analysis, natural product isolation analysis and water analysis
Access only on MCI campus and with a personal user login available via: library@mci.edu
CAS SciFindern |
Search engine for references, substances, reactions and patents in Chemistry and related areas. It also includes relevance-ranked results, step-by-step procedures and protocols, citation mapping, biosequence searching, retrosynthetic analysis, patent landscape mapping, touch-screen enabled structure drawing and much more.
Access only on MCI campus and with a personal user login available via: library@mci.edu
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) |
80,000+ academic peer-reviewed eBooks |

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) |
10,000,000+ Articles from 20,400+ academic, peer-reviewed eJournals |

EBSCO eBooks Academic Collection |
249,000+ eBooks from all subjects (ger/eng) + 120 ebooks "Social Work" (ger)
EBSCO Hospitality & Tourism Complete |
155 eJournals on tourism (ger/eng) |
Elgar eBooks |
59 eBooks on "Essentials in European Law" 107 eBooks "MBA Essentials" |
Emerald |
25 eBooks and 300+ eJournals on Management, Economics, Pedagogy, Tourism, Health and Engineering
FKM-Guideline (English Version) |
Standard "Analytical Stength Assessment of Components", issued by the Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau e.V.
FKM-Richtlinie (German Version)
IMF eLibrary |
23,000+ publications and statistical datasets by the International Monetary Fund |

IWA Publishing |
eBooks & eJournals on all aspects of water, wastewater and environment |

LexisNexis Labor Law |
eBooks & eJournals on Austrian labor law (ger) |
MCI campus & remote access: Anmelden > Select MCI > Login |
MarketLine |
Business information database with company, sector and geography profiles, market data, M&A deals, case studies and analyses |
MarketLine How-to Guide (PDF) |
437 eJournals mainly on natural and life sciences |
Our World in Data |
Research and interactive data visualization to understand the world's largest problems (Health, Nutrition, Education, Environment, Economic Vitality etc.) |

Pearson eLibrary |
75+ eBooks covering all subjects, primarily textbooks and fundamental works (ger/eng)
ProQuest Ebook Central |
16.000+ eBooks from all subjects (ger/eng) |
RDB Rechtsdatenbank |
Austrian legal database, eJournals and online-commentaries (ger). The following online commentaries are also available:
- ABGB-ON, Kletecka/Schauer
- EUV und AEUV, Jaeger/Stöger
- UGB, Straube/Ratka/Rauter
- ZPO-ON, Kodek/Oberhammer
MCI campus & remote access: Anmelden > Login Universitäten > Management Center Innsbruck > Login
You are writing your thesis? Request additional access here!
Rheinwerk openbook |
30+ selected eBooks on IT (ger) |

Sage Research Methods
Sage Research Methods is a comprehensive resource for social science research methods. It offers access to books, reference works, case studies, datasets, podcasts, and videos - supporting you in addressing methodological questions, from theoretical foundations to practical application in research. Please note that the content is available for online reading only and cannot be downloaded. |
Trial access until 31.03.2025 |
ScienceDirect |
2,500+ eJournals on all subjects (eng) |
Scopus |
Multidisciplinary abstract and citation database for academic literature with more than 94 million references and abstracts
Springer Nature Link |
18,000+ eBooks on Business, Engineering & IT (published 2018-2025) 2,500+ eJournals of all disciplines (ger/eng)
Statista |
Statistics portal with immediate access to over one million statistics, reports and facts; German-speaking countries & international (ger/eng) |
Steuerwörterbuch |
This tax dictionary is a comprehensive, practice-oriented and science-based German-English dictionary in the field of taxation, finance and accounting. It also explains the more complex terms in German. |
MCI Campus and remote access with a user login available via: library@mci.edu |
Tirol Tourism Research |
Knowledge platform for Tyrolean tourism with strategic market information as well as recent and historical tourism knowledge (ger) |

UNWTO eLibrary |
The e-library of the World Tourism Organization offers full-text access to almost all UNWTO publications on tourism and related fields. These include books, journals, working documents and statistics. The Tourism Factbook, the world's most comprehensive statistical database on tourism with data on over 200 countries, is also integrated. |
utb eLibrary |
2,700+ eBooks with a focus on the Humanities and Social Sciences (ger) |
Wiley Online Library |
150+ eBooks with a focus on Engineering (ger/eng) |
eBooks and eJournals on Social & Economic Sciences as well as market data and newspapers (ger) |