Career Center
Application Tips
How to write a cover letter
Individual European states may have different expectations on how to write and what to include in a cover letter.
There are, however, two main types of cover letters depending on whether you make an application with reference to a job advertisement or an unsolicited application. In the latter case you must explain how the company you apply for attracted your attention and why you would like to work for this company in particular.
Bear in mind that the point of your cover letter is to attract the company’s attention. You should therefore not only make sure that your cover letter has a clear layout and fulfills any formal criteria, but also give it a personal touch. Ask yourself why the company would choose to hire you from a pool of applicants with similar qualification! Explain your MOTIVATION to work for or make an internship at THIS PARTICULAR COMPANY and in THIS PARTICULAR AREA.
A résumé shall be brief and concise, and refer to the major steps of your education as well as additional personal qualifications.
Explain your motivation to work for or make an internship at this particular company and in this particular area.
How to write a résumé
A résumé shall be brief and concise, and refer to the major steps of your education as well as additional personal qualifications such as language skills, computer skills, internships, holiday jobs, or club memberships. Above all, a résumé must be clear and well-structured.
Visit the homepage of the "European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training" (Cedefop) to download sample résumés (in tabular form) and detailed instructions.
How to succeed in a job interview
Thorough preparation is half the way to success! You should therefore pay special attention to the following points:
- Be prepared to get to know the company: gather information about the company by reading business reports, brochures, homepages etc. Think about why you chose to apply for exactly this company.
- Be prepared to present yourself: at the beginning of a job interview you are usually asked to introduce yourself, talk about your professional background, your (positive and negative) qualities as well as your career plans and specific goals you have for the respective internship or job. Go through the interview situation in your mind or act it out with a friend.
- Be prepared to dress appropriately: make sure your appearance is neat and clean. Adapt your clothing to the interview situation and corporate culture, but also to your personality.
Job interview
Job interviews are usually conducted according to the following procedure:
Greeting and introduction, presentation of the applicant
- questions about personal situation
- questions about educational background
- questions about professional development
- questions about the company
Presentation of the company
- information about the internship or job position
- information about the company
- information about the employment contract (including salary, social benefits, further training etc.)
- conclusion and arrangement of future appointments, if necessary
Linktipps für die deutschsprachige Bewerbung - The effects of different typefaces, colors, and layouts including samples - Practical tips on how to organize application papers - Information on and samples for résumés in tabular form
Appications in English
For tips on how to write a CV and a cover letter in English click here:
Useful Links
Application photo
It is a general rule that no application portfolio is complete without a photo. A good photo will create sympathy. Find out how to present yourself authentically and appropriately.
Dress code
Appearances matter – never underestimate effect of your appearance!
Your appearance is your personal business card
Dress appropriately for your job interview with tips for women and men.
EU requirements for application résumés
For decades résumés have been based on the same principles. But with Europe drawing closer together, new rules for writing applications have been introduced. The EU model for writing a CV has become more and more popular. Europass provides several CV templates.
Sample application
Download free application samples from various career websites like
Online application
The ten commandments of online applications.
Telephone interviews
Never underestimate interviews conducted on the telephone. Visit for tips on how to prepare for telephone interviews.