Scholarships & Grants

Scholarships & Grants

Austrian students and students from EEA states

Financial support for students is available from the Student Allowance & Grant Offices. Their staff are always happy to provide personal advice by phone or e-mail.

Financial Support & Services of the MCI University Representation

The öh mci provides a wide range of financial support and services for students. These include personal consultations, free plagiarism checks, and assistance with initiatives and projects.

Austrian Scholarship Office

Andreas-Hofer-Straße 46, 2nd floor
6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: 0512/57 33 70


A person sits at a table and writes on a sheet of paper.

Studying Abroad

To promote international exchange for MCI students

MCI Outgoing Scholarship

Promoting international exchange for MCI students
To further increase the international focus at MCI, the MCI Scholarship Fund supports MCI students with their stay abroad.

Students who,

  • are enrolled at MCI as regular students for the entire duration of their study program,
  • wo are planning to study or do research in countries outside the EU with particularly high costs involved (tuition, travel fees and research costs) and
  • are not eligible for an Erasmus+ grant.

The amount of the scholarship depends on the available funds within the MCI Scholarship Fund. It partly covers a student’s tuition, travel fees and research costs. Due to limited funds, only a finite number of scholarships can be awarded. Once a scholarship is granted, students will receive an approximate amount of 300-800 EUR. There is no legal claim to a scholarship. Scholarships are awarded without recourse.

Application deadlines:

  • Thursday, June 12, 2025 (for international study programs in the winter term 2025/26)
  • Thursday, December 4, 2025 (for international study programs in the summer term 2026)


  • Above-average grade achievement
  • Above-average personal and academic commitment
  • Forthcoming international study or research program (study tours, internships and previous stays cannot be funded)
  • The awarding of other scholarships may be considered by the jury when assessing the application and deciding on the grant and/or amount of an MCI Outgoing Scholarship.
  • Study or research program in a non-EU country (or equivalent – no Erasmus funding) with particularly high costs; Stays in students’ home countries may only be funded in special cases.

Required documents:

  • Resume
  • Comprehensive cover letter (half page)
  • Overview of the expected expenses (please list other scholarships and funds you have applied for)
  • For study-abroad programs (only relevant for freemovers): Letter of acceptance of the international university or MCI nomination email (by MCI International Relations Office)
  • For research-abroad programs: Description of the forthcoming research. Please name the respective research institutions.

Scholarships will be awarded by a jury based on the above criteria.

We will be happy to answer any questions at

Online Application

Erasmus grants

Students traveling to a country of the European Union for a period of study abroad can apply for a grant in the framework of the Erasmus+ program funded by the European Commission. Erasmus students receive a monthly allowance to help cover the higher costs of study abroad. Erasmus grants are only available where a student exchange agreement has been signed between the host university and the MCI.

MCI International Relations Office
Phone +43 512 2070-1600
Nationalagentur Erasmus+ Bildung

Allowance for study abroad

Recipients of student allowances wishing to spend a period of study abroad can apply for an allowance for study abroad (including a travel grant). Such allowances are available for all countries of the world (and are attractive for students wishing to study in a country outside of the EU). For the details, click here.

Marshall Plan Scholarship

Marshall Plan Scholarship for bachelor/master theses in the technical field

Funding for academic research: Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation

We would like to draw your attention to the following funding available mainly for technical study programs.

Since 2008 the Marshall Plan Foundation has been funding Austrian students going abroad to do their research at an American university. That also includes bachelor and master theses.

This opens up the opportunity for MCI students to spend a semester at an American university, write their bachelor/master thesis and receive funding from the Marshall Plan Foundation.

The following application documents will have to be submitted in English to apply for the grant:

  • Letter of Motivation (maximum of 2 pages)
  • Project description / Proposal (see attached details)
  • Resume/CV
  • List of publications (optional)
  • List of lectures (optional)
  • Letter of recommendation (optional)
  • Letter of Acceptance by American university

After completion of the semester abroad you will be required to submit:

  • Bachelor/master thesis
    Please note: Several aspects such as scientific relevance of your thesis and achievement of the goals set out in the Proposal will be assessed. In the event you do not properly adhere to these requirements, the Foundation shall decide whether these funds will remain fully available. > Please make sure to define your goals clearly when submitting your application.
  • Student Report

For further information please visit or inquire at MCI's International Relations Office (IRO).

International cooperations

The Austrian Database for Scholarships and Research Grants is the biggest online university database of its kind in Austria. It lists sources of funding for students, graduates and researchers in Austria, as well as grants for incoming and outgoing students. For details of grants for study abroad, click here.

Raiffeisen Award for Students

As a long established partner and sponsor of the MCI, Raiffeisen-Landesbank Tirol AG values academic
training as a significant social asset and a central resource for corporate development.

As part of a cooperation agreement with the Entrepreneurial School®, the bank is offering two scholarships worth EUR 1,000 each to MCI students who wish to spend their semester abroad at a university in a non-EU country.

  • Application deadline: April 20, 2025

Entitlement: Students

  • with an outstanding academic record and
  • ambitious plans or projects for the futur,
  • who would use the Raiffeisen Award for a semester abroad in a non-EU (and non-associated) country in the framework of their Bachelor or Master study program at the MCI and who
  • are not eligible for an Erasmus+ grant

Award criteria and applications
The winners of the Raiffeisen Award will be selected by a jury. The jury may decide to share the award among more than one applicant. The jury also reserves the right not to make an award in any one year and to carry the funds forward to future years. There is no legal claim to a scholarship. The jury’s decision is final.

Documents to be submitted

  • Information on the foreign university and brief explanation of the reasons for the choice
  • Brief description of future plans
  • Transcript of Records

raiffeisen mit gk auf gelb

Online Application

Bilateral "Aktionen" (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary)

The "Aktionen" between Austria and the neighbouring countries Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic enable scientific exchange between the neighbouring countries and support the learning of each other’s language. Different scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding support bilateral cooperation with the aim of creating sustainable relationships.

More information can be found here.

Erasmus Internship

Scholarships for internships in the EU are provided by the Lifelong Learning subprogram for Erasmus interns. Both mandatory and voluntary internships can be funded. Internships in the country of which the applicant is a national are also supported, yet receive a lower priority in the selection process.

Scholarship of excellence

Application deadline: October 31 | for outstanding academic achievements (from the 3rd semester)

Every year the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research allocates funds for “Scholarships of Excellence” to be awarded to students and graduates of Universities and Universities of Applied Science. All relevant information can be found in your personnel myMCI-Account in the study section between August 1 and October 31.

Please contact the office of your study program if you have any questions.

Requirements for a scholarship of excellence
  • Holding the Austrian citizenship or equal in accordance with § 4 StudFG. On a par with Austrian students are:
    • EEA citizens (incl. Swiss citizens)
    • Third-country citizens, provided that they:
      • have the right of permanent residence in Austria (i.e. has been living in Austria continuously and legally for at least five years) or
      • are family members of Union citizens who are migrant workers or self-employed in Austria, or
      • are family members of Austrian citizens.
    • Stateless people are equal to Austrian citizens under the same conditions as apply to third-country nationals.
    • Convention refugees are equal to Austrian citizens within the meaning of Article 1 of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, Federal Law Gazette No.551/1955.
  • Proper enrollment in the respective last year of studies
  • Adherence to the intended program duration (§ 18 StudFG), whereupon possible good reasons might be taken into consideration (§ 19 StudFG).
  • The grade average of the final grades in the previous academic year is 2.0 or better (weighted according to ECTS).
  • Relevant for graduating students only: master's or bachelor's examination has been passed with "honors" or "distinction".

Course-specific scholarships and grants

The following study programs of the MCI offer course-specific scholarships and grants:

Dr. Schär Merit Scholarship

Dr. Schär is a South Tyrolean family business founded in 1982. The Dr. Schär group specializes in the development, production and sales of innovative foods for special dietary needs. To promote talented students in the fields of food technology, Dr. Schär provides two MCI students per year with a EUR 500.— scholarship.

Endowment: EUR 500.-

Eligible applicants: Students of the following study programs:

  • Biotechnology & Food Engineering (Bachelor's program)
  • Food Technology & Nutrition (Master’s program)

Documents to be submitted:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Comprehensive cover letter
  • Certification of good Italian language skills
  • Transcript of Records

Application deadline: March 30, 2025

Online Application


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Handl Tyrol Merit Scholarship

HANDL TYROL is an Austrian family business based in Pians/Tyrol, which has specialized in the production of original Tyrolean bacon, raw sausage, and roast specialties since 1902.

The Handl Tyrol group of companies employs over 700 people and is now represented in more than 20 countries. The newest location in Haiming was voted Factory of the Year as well as Smart Factory in 2020 and is the cornerstone for further, sustainable growth.

The topic of “Future of Food“ is a central element of future planning. The Handl Tyrol group of companies is therefore concerned with new approaches to food production, innovation and sustainability at all stages and would like to encourage young, open-minded, and motivated students to become part of this development.

For MCI students who are interested in sustainable, innovative, but also forward-looking ideas, HANDL TYROL GmbH annually awards three performance scholarships worth EUR 1,000 each. The selected scholarship holders also have the exclusive opportunity to spend a day behind the scenes at Handl Tyrol.


  • € 750,- (Bachelor students) resp. € 1.000,- (Master students)
  • Personal meeting with the managing director Karl Christian Handl, MBA

Eligible applicants: Students of the following study programs

  • Biotechnology & Food Engineering (Bachelor from 3rd semester)
  • Food Technology & Nutrition (Master from 1st semester)

Documents to be submitted:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • Comprehensive cover letter (including reasons of interest in sustainable meat industry - 1 page)
  • Transcript of Records

Application deadline: October 30th of the preceding academic year

Online Application


HandlTyrol Logo 2010


Scholarships & Grants

Senator H.C. Dr. Martin Steinmeyer Grant
Senator H.C. Dr. Martin Steinmeyer Grant
Senator H.C. Dr. Martin Steinmeyer Grant | Deadline: June 1st 2025 | up to 10.000,- per project
Your idea can get things moving... and be rewarding! | Deadline: April 30, 2025 | Prize money: EUR 363 | Further prizes: 5 MCI Backpacks & 5 MCI B...
Club Alpbach Tirol - Scholarship 2025
Club Alpbach Tirol - Scholarship 2025
Application Deadline: March 31 | For the participation in the Forum Alpbach 2025, August 16 to August 29
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