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ICONS consulting by students
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Mensa is coming back...
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Learning Solutions Newsletter
Learning Solutions Newsletter
LEARNING & COMMUNITY CORNER eStudy and the benefits for your own teaching - a guest article In this report, Prof Dr Markus Kittler, one of our full-time lecturers, shares his experiences with stand-alone eStudy modules and their use in his own teaching. Markus is a professor at the MCI Department of Management & Law. His teaching focuses on business administration and in particular on human resource management and leadership. In the following article, Prof. Kittler reflects and comments on the design and creation of the two asynchronous eStudy modules HRM & Leadership (English) and Personnel Management and Leadership (German) and on the added value they bring to his teaching at MCI. "When I was asked by Learning Solutions to share my experiences in the newsletter, I gladly agreed. After completing two HRM courses in self-paced format, there was one topic that almost suggested itself:My experience as a teacher in creating the format of asynchronous online courses and the benefits for my daily teaching. Spoiler alert: I really enjoyed the work. Otherwise I wouldn't have spontaneously signed up for the German-language version after the first English-language course. Follow me on my eStudy journey! The first step was Maria Pammer's non-binding enquiry as to whether I would like to help with the production of self-paced materials. We discussed possible course content and I quickly (and happily) agreed. I felt comfortable with the subject matter right from the start. Well, it's not my first HRM course. However, the format was relatively new to me. Self-paced, video units, tasks that students work on alone and then compare with possible sample solutions - that was a lot of new things. At the same time, it was a very helpful impetus for me to further develop the content and didactics of my existing courses - more on this in the last paragraph. In the second step, I developed learning objectives and an event plan based on them. I then created standardised presentation materials that are prepared somewhat differently to those for the lecture theatre. A lot of interaction happens there during my events. In the eStudy format, I prepared short units that need to be "digestible" for individual learners through reflection. From my point of view, this was an initial challenge, but I received fantastic support from Learning Solutions when creating the individual units. A major intermediate goal in the eStudy production was the time in front of the camera. It was less difficult than expected and actually really fun. My "respect" for the camera lens has decreased due to the online teaching, but the studio atmosphere is still rather unfamiliar. It takes some time to get used to it. However, the media department at Learning Solutions, consisting of Nikoleta Grozdanova and Adam Andersen, quickly made me feel at ease. The good briefing beforehand and the helpful advice during the filming also helped. The basis for the videos was always a PowerPoint presentation. Sometimes the start of a new video was bumpy. We simply let the recording run and jumped back to the beginning a few times. As soon as I got the first few minutes of the presentation right, the rest automatically went well. Of course, I thought about what I wanted to say beyond the slides beforehand and made a few additional notes. When in doubt, I wrote myself a little post-it note as a ticker for years, abbreviations and lists. All in all, the time in front of the camera was a really great experience - I'd be happy to do it again any time. ©MCI Learning Solutions Designing the canvas (didactically formulated learning paths) during the semester was a little more time-consuming than expected. I would like to thank the entire Learning Solutions team once again for their patience. Lyuba Stafyeyeva in particular kept reminding me of the outstanding work with small, very friendly reminders and patiently encouraged me to complete it. (Thank you, Lyuba!) I would have liked to have been a little quicker here, but at the same time, after all the preparatory work and the time in the studio with Adam and Niko, I didn't want to be negligent towards the end of the course projects. Looking back, the work was really worthwhile and it is a really good feeling to see the finished product on SAKAI - knowing full well that the two courses are not a remarkable individual achievement, but a joint project with several participants. In my view, the materials are very professionally designed and are easy for students to work through. We have already celebrated the first successful completion of the German-language course. I saw in the exam that the learning objectives had been achieved quite well. Baptism of fire passed! The attentive eye of Claudia Mössenlechner, head of the Learning Solutions department, was a great motivation (during and after production). With her specific and appreciative praise, I not only received a lot of positive feedback from her, but also food for thought for further teaching. So, what added value is there for me?I can easily embed and use the filmed lecture and learning elements in other courses. I have not yet been able to use the teaching videos in classroom teaching. But there are already concrete plans. I would like to support the courses with self-directed learning units. Of course, I won't be standing in the seminar room and watching the students as they watch a video of me. The videos will be used for individual preparation and follow-up work. This will reduce the time spent in class. This offers the opportunity to respond more individually to the students. However, the videos have already been used. A few weeks ago, we used parts of the German-language videos (available on the Video Gallery) as self-paced elements in an HRM course with practitioners. The course was divided into face-to-face and self-paced phases. The eStudy teaching videos were perfect for the asynchronous part. I was also able to use some eStudy work assignments as a useful supplement. The feedback was very positive. Some course participants met with me briefly during an attendance week at MCI and joked that they actually just wanted to see if I was real or if I was AI-generated. Of course, I am real. But I'm sure that's what the KI-ttler would say too ..." If you are now curious to browse through eStudy modules, our showroom page is the right place to do so. Dear Markus, thank you very much for your contribution to this newsletter and the great cooperation during and after the eStudy production! In addition to this article, Markus has kindly agreed to answer questions. Please feel free to contact him at any time. Of course, we at Learning Solutions are also happy to hear about your experiences with educational videos. Write to us directly.     TEACHING NUGGET short, to the point, helpful     NEW WORKSHOP: AI-supported didactics in classroom teaching - is that even possible? On 29 October, you can find out how AI tools can be integrated into your own teaching to support the achievement of learning objectives, and try them out at various stations. The stations will offer practical insights combined with the latest developments in the field of AI. The event will give you the opportunity to learn about innovative didactic approaches and how to apply them in your teaching. Register via the MCI Designer!   DIDACTICS & TEACHING Looking back, looking forward - 10 years of Learning Solutions In 2014, in the course of online teaching and increasingly differentiated teaching activities at MCI, a new department was created: Learning Solutions, headed by Claudia Mössenlechner. We have now been working for 10 years under the motto SUPPORTING EXCELLENCE IN 21ST CENTURY TEACHING & LEARNING, and it goes without saying that this anniversary was celebrated with joy and pride. This article takes a brief (but proud) look back. But we also look to the here and now, and to the future. Over the past 10 years, a great deal has been achieved in the department and in cooperation with degree programmes. Some highlights are the flexibilisation of studies at the MCI through blended learning and online formats the effective use of Sakai as an LMS the Teach Online Hub the MCI Video Gallery (MCI internal library for teaching videos) the use of Labster in teaching the creation of the AI focus group and much more ... And what happens now? A major project at the moment is asynchronous online teaching, known to many as eStudy. But we are also working hard on innovative approaches to face-to-face teaching. These include, for example, the AOL learning objectives as well as training and advice on AI, teaching videos or the use of teaching cases and, of course, support for lecturers. The latter in particular, working with programmes and faculty, is one of our key areas of focus. Our four Instructional Designers: Julia Bär, Lena Halbig, Katharina Matschl and Lyuba Stafyeyeva provide support with their experience and expertise. Whether it's the creation of e-learning content or didactic issues in the classroom, the four are there for MCI lecturers. Some of their areas of responsibility include Innovative teaching and learning settings in presence, online and blended learning University didactics and methodology Use of new technologies in teaching Competence-orientated and sustainable learning Training and workshops for all those involved in teaching Feel invited to think about your teaching activities. What questions and challenges do you face in relation to teaching, learning and students? Feel free to use this moment to write to us directly. We are sure to find good solutions together. Anyone familiar with Learning Solutions knows that without Nikoleta Grozdanova and Adam Andersen, the media production geniuses, and Claudia Mössenlechner, the heart and heart of the department, nothing would work. Therefore, at the end of the article:We, the entire Learning Solutions team, are looking forward to many more years of working together as a team - but of course also with our many friends and colleagues at MCI!Please send any questions and suggestions to the respective persons and congratulations to the entire team. 😉   The Learning Solutions team (unfortunately without Julia Bär) at the CEEMAN Champions Award ceremony - Teacher of the Year 2024 to Claudia Mössenlechner. ©MCI / Aaron Heimerl INNOVATION & INITIATIVE AOL for teachers: The ultimate curriculum toolkit In the last newsletter, we reported extensively on the new AOL learning objectives.In addition to the presentation of the newly formulated objectives, the focus was also on specific tips. These provided ideas on which activities and/or resources are available at MCI to anchor the AOL learning objectives in teaching. Some of the feedback made it clear that the topic is moving and that this in turn is moving us. As Learning Solutions, we would like to work with you on this topic in the form of further training. The workshop AOL for Teachers: The Ultimate Curriculum Toolkit (in German AOL für Lehrkräfte: Der ultimative Curriculum-Baukasten*) offers you the opportunity to link your teaching strategies to the forward-looking AOL Learning Objectives. You will be provided with inspiring examples of how the learning objectives can be effectively integrated into the curriculum. The focus is on aligning course and AOL learning objectives to ensure academic rigour, support responsible decision making and strengthen entrepreneurial thinking. You will be guided through the workshop by didactics and AOL specialists Claudia Mössenlechner and Lyuba Stefayeyeva. Register via the MCI Designer! * At the moment the course is only available in German. If you feel that you are not familiar enough with the language to attend the course, but would like to, please contact Claudia and Lyuba. There will be a solution.   We wish you a great start to the new term and lots of fun! Your Learning Solutions Team   Contact us under: learningsolutions@mci.eduHere is our website: https://www.mci.edu/de/hochschule/das-mci/innovative-lehre
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