Career Center

Career Center

Digital Badges

How do I choose the right Badge?

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Icon Interests
1. Interests

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Icon Details
2. Details

View the detailed information of your preferred badges: content, scope, format, language, evidence, etc.

Icon Dates
3. Dates

Compare the dates of the individual activities with your already known schedule to prevent overlaps.

Icon Registration
4. Registration

Select the required activities in the online form. After successful registration and payment, you will receive a confirmation.

Skills based Badges

Badge Icon Consulting & Advisory

Badge Consulting & Advisory

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed a sound understanding of the methods relevant and used in the field of consultancy. The badge earner has developed comprehensive and structured problem-solving skills that can be applied across different industries and address the associated real-world challenges, requirements and opportunities for society, environment, and business. The badge earner has participated in the compulsory and elective sessions, workshops and other outlined opportunities offered by MCI.

pdfOverview | Badge: Consulting & Advisory

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • have an overview of the consultancy industry
  • understand the complex nature of applied problem solving
  • have acquired competencies relating to systems thinking, critical thinking and problem solving in the context of different disciplines including technology, life-science, social science, and business.
  • have generated selected in-depth industry knowledge through guided case studies by consulting experts
  • have developed generic, IT based, and soft skills that are relevant for jobs in the consulting industry and beyond.
  • know how to conceptualize and present results
  • know what to expect and how to perform in interview and Assessment Center situations for consulting-related jobs
  • have established a professional network in the consultancy industry

Mandatory activities on offer

 Winter School: Applied Consulting Skills  F-to-F  WT   EN 
 Networking with MCI Alumni in Consulting  Online 

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 2)

 Slide Design Workshop  Online
 Workshop Methods & Tools for Consulting  Online
 Advanced Excel Skills for Consulting *
 Excel für Fortgeschrittene *
 Agile Project Management  Online  ST
 Participation in consulting projects of student initiatives
 like: 180 DC Innsbruck, icons, etc.
 F-to-F WT
*either or

F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English


The Badge earner

  • has attended the following mandatory activities
    • Winter School: Applied Consulting Skills
    • Networking with MCI Alumni in Consulting
  • has completed a minimum of 2 electives
  • has submitted a summary of his/her learnings and personal development in a format of his/her choice (short video | social media posting | testimonial statement | etc.)
Students' Insights
 Eray Isik

Eray Isik | Management, Communication & IT
My participation in this program resulted in a well-rounded experience, enriching my professional network and sparking a profound interest in consulting. Engaging with other students who share similar career aspirations and networking with professionals from prominent consulting firms have greatly expanded my industry connections and insights. This comprehensive educational journey has equipped me with the tools and confidence to step into the consulting industry, ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

 Federico Scarone

Federico Scarone | European Master in Health Economics and Management
In conclusion, the MCI badge program has been an invaluable investment in my future, equipping me with the tools, knowledge, and network necessary to excel in the dynamic and demanding world of consulting. Reflecting on this journey, I am grateful for this opportunity and I would like to thank the organizer of such an interesting program.

 Lenny Kunze

Lenny Kunze | Business and Management
Choosing the Consulting & Advisory Badge is a valuable investment in your professional development, providing hands-on learning, industry insights and unique networking opportunities with leading consulting firms. Overall, the Consulting and Advisory Badge program has definitely enhanced my understanding of the consulting industry and provided me with a great base to build my career upon. For anyone thinking about participating, I can assure you that this program is a valuable investment that you won't regret.

 Patrick Gönitzer

Patrick Gönitzer | International Business & Management
To sum it up, the Badge Consulting & Advisory provided me with a great insight into the daily business of a consultant and their responsibilities. All the companies mentioned provided me with valuable first touchpoints of their skills. I especially want to mention the part about data visualization that provided a fantastic new tool which I intend to adapt for my future tasks. Overall, the program broadened my understanding of the consulting industry and strengthened my will to hopefully work in the field of strategic management consulting in future.

 Shpetim Gashi

Shpetim Gashi | Smart Building Technoligies
These workshops have equipped me with essential tools and strategies to enhance my professional performance and leadership style. The blend of practical skills and conceptual knowledge gained from these sessions has been instrumental in my personal and professional development.

 Simona Mairhofer

Simona Mairhofer | Corporate Governance & Finance
Overall, the Consulting & Advisory Badge played a pivotal role in my career change. It not only equipped me with the necessary skills and knowledge but also gave me the confidence to pursue a career in consulting. As a direct result of the insights and networking opportunities provided by the program, I received a job offer from Accenture, one of the consulting firms involved in the Badge.

 Stefanie Simmerle

Stefanie Simmerle | Betriebswirtschaft online
I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their consulting skills, meet ambitious people and expand their overall knowledge.



Application period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Accenture | Capgemini | icons | KPMG | PwC | Sunzinet | Wieselhuber

Badge Icon Data Science | Basics

Badge Data Science | Basics

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed basic skills concerning the management of data. This includes the ability to create and organize as well as statistically analyze data and to dis-play data in meaningful ways. The badge earner has participated in the compulsory and elective workshops and learning opportunities offered by MCI and has demonstrated a sound understanding of basic principles and tools of data science practice including data collection and integration, explora-tory data analysis, predictive modelling, descriptive modelling, data product creation, evaluation, and effective communication.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • can explain und describe what Data Science is and what Data Scientists do
  • have understood important concepts of statistics (eg. Statistical interference, probability distributions)
  • can Use R to carry out basic statistical modelling and analysis
  • can explain the significance of exploratory data analysis (EDA) in data science and know how to apply basic tools (plots, graphs, summary statistics)
  • can describe the Data Science Process and how its components interact
  • use APIs and other tools to scrape the Web and collect data
  • know how to apply basic machine learning
  • can create effective visualizations of data (to communicate or persuade) and
  • is aware of ethical and privacy issues in data science

Mandatory activities on offer

 R - An Introduction  Online  WT   EN
 Summer School: Data Science - An Overview  Online  ST  EN 

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 2)

 Visual Presentation of Information and Data  Online   WT 
 Digitalization, Ethics & Values  Online ST
 Excel für Fortgeschrittene  F-to-F ST GE
 Statistische Methoden - SPSS  Online ST GE
 Introduction to Data Visualization with Tableau  Online ST EN

F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English


The Badge earner

  • has attended the following mandatory online courses
    • R - an introduction
    • Summer School: Data Science – an Overview
  • has attended at least 2 electives in the field of Data Science
  • has successfully completed (passed with 60%) the required online tests covering the contents of the mandatory online courses

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Badge Icon Digital Marketing

Badge Digital Marketing

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed knowledge and skills in online and social media marketing. They are able to effectively use a range of marketing tools and strategies in digital environments to address different target groups and are aware of selected digital marketing technologies. The badge earner has participated in the required and elective workshops and learning experiences offered by MCI.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • are familiar with the different tools and strategies of online and social media marketing
  • can apply digital marketing tools and develop appropriate strategies in different professional contexts
  • have basic knowledge in Web & Social Media Analytics
  • have more in-depth knowledge of specific tools and techniques available to digital marketers

Mandatory activities on offer

 Winter School: Digital Marketing - an Introduction  Online 
 Social Media Analytics  Online ST EN

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 3)

 Google Data Studio  Online  WT   EN 
 Introduction to E-Commerce  Online WT EN
 Meta Business Suite  Online WT EN
 TikTok Marketing  Online
 Google Analytics  Online ST GE
 Google Ads  Online ST GE
 Instagram Marketing  F-to-F ST GE
 SEO - Suchmaschinenoptimierung für leicht
 Online ST GE
 Summer School: E-Commerce | Basics  Online 
F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English

The Badge earner

  • has successfully attended the following mandatory offers
    • Winter School: Digital Marketing – an Introduction
    • Social Media Analytics
  • has completed a minimum of 3 electives related to digital marketing

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Badge Icon Diversity


Badge Diversity

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed diversity competence, i.e. the ability to understand, appreciate and manage different values, behaviors, attitudes and practices of diverse individuals and groups. Diversity competence goes beyond mere awareness of difference and extends to the capability to interact, communicate, and work effectively with people from various backgrounds, including dimensions such as gender, race/ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation/identity, disability, and age.

The badge earner has participated in the compulsory and elective sessions, workshops and other outlined opportunities offered by MCI. He/she has engaged in case studies, discussions, and practical exercises to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios to be finally well-equipped to contribute to creating and sustaining diverse, equitable and inclusive environments in a variety of settings in order to foster innovation, collaboration, well-being and organizational success, a competence seen as a crucial future skill.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • understand and appreciate the multiple dimensions of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI)
  • know that individuals may identify with multiple dimensions simultaneously, creating a complex and dynamic web of diversity (Intersectionality)
  • have developed self-awareness, empathy, and accountability, to effectively work in and with diverse teams
  • are able to handle and leverage diverse perspectives and experiences to drive innovation, creativity, and problem-solving
  • can actively contribute to inclusive environments where everyone can thrive and be part of organizational success

Mandatory activities on offer

 Introduction to Diversity, Inclusion & Equality  Online 
 Diversity Case Journey  Online WT EN
 Leading & Managing Diverse Teams  Online ST EN

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 3)

 Diversitätskompetenzen im Kontext von Nachhaltiger
 Beyond Sight - Inklusion im Arbeitsalltag  F-to-F
 Empowering Women  Online
 Erste Hilfe für die Seele  F-to-F
 Working Across Cultures  F-to-F
 Acting as a Buddy for International Students  F-to-F
 Language Course: Sign Language  F-to-F
 Online Course Mob4All  Online 
 Interdisciplinary Elective | WS 2024/25: *
  Understanding Diversity & Fighting Discrimination
 F-to-F   WT  EN
F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English
*ATTENTION: It is not possible to select an Interdisciplinary Elective as an elective activity in the first Bachelor's study year, but only once participation in the Interdisciplinary Elective has already been confirmed for the 3rd or 5th semester or if it has already been completed.

The Badge earner

  • has successfully attended the following mandatory offers
    • Introduction to Diversity, Inclusion & Equality
    • Diversity Case Journey
    • Leading & Managing Diverse Teams
  • has completed a minimum of 3 electives related to diversity
  • has submitted a successful reflection of their learnings in a format of their choice
    (guided reflection based on questions)

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Badge Icon eCommerce | Basics

Badge eCommerce | Basics

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed basic skills concerning e-commerce as an important business strategy. The badge earner has a good understanding of the role and potential of e-commerce. He/she has learned about technological, business, legal and social aspects related to implementing an e-commerce business venture. The badge earner has completed the required and elective workshops and learning experiences offered by MCI

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • can identify the technological, business and social context of e-commerce
  • can recognize and analyse the potential of e-commerce as a business strategy
  • are able to determine the most effective e-commerce business model to use in the given context
  • understand the technological underpinnings of an e-commerce presence
  • can implement and operate a basic online-shop
  • know a range of strategies to optimally market and advertise the business
  • are familiar with the most salient legal and ethical foundations of e-commerce and can address basic related legal questions

Mandatory activities on offer

 Introduction to E-Commerce  Online 
 Multi-Channel & Omni-Channel Retailing  Online
 Summer School: E-Commerce I Basics  Online ST EN

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 3)

 E-Commerce Business Strategies  Online
 WT   EN 
 Google Data Studio  Online
 Winter School: Digital Marketing – an introduction  Online  WT EN
 Google Analytics  Online ST GE
 Google Ads  Online ST GE
 SEO - Suchmaschinenoptimierung für leicht
 Online ST GE
 Introduction to Data Visualization with Tableau  Online ST EN
F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English

The Badge earner

  • has attended the following mandatory courses:
    • Introduction to e-commerce
    • Multi-Channel & Omni-Channel Retailing
    • Summer School: E-commerce I Basics
  • has attended at least 3 electives

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Badge Icon Entrepreneurship & Start-ups

Badge Entrepreneurship & Start-ups

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed a sound understanding of entrepreneurial skills. The badge earners have participated in the required and elective workshops/seminars and learning experiences offered by MCI. They have learned how to develop their business ideas, how to write a sound business plan, and have gained practical insight into the practices and processes of start-ups.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • is familiar with the theoretical fundamentals of entrepreneurship
  • has gained insights and collected experiences in entrepreneurial activities
  • knows how to visualize ideas and insights
  • is trained in out-of-the-box thinking
  • can discuss the ideas of others and can develop his/her own ideas by accepting criticism and improving and refining initial ideas
  • can participate successfully in an ideas competition and is able to give a good elevator pitch
  • can create a well-structured business plan.

Mandatory activities on offer

 Entrepreneurship & Business Models  Online 
 Introduction into Start-up Management  Online  ST EN
 Winter School: Digital Entrepreneurship*  Online  WT EN
 Winter School: Entrepreneurship in Family Firms*  Online  WT EN
 Winter School: Innovation & Start-ups*  F-to-F   WT  EN

*either or

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 2)

 Winter School: Digital Entrepreneurship**  F-to-F
 Winter School: Entrepreneurship in Family Firms**  Online  WT  EN
 Winter School: Innovation & Start-ups**  F-to-F
 Introduction into Start-up Communities  Online ST EN
 Pitch Training  Online 
 Social Entrepreneurship  Online
 Interdisciplinary Elective | WS 2024/25: *
  AI-Driven Entrepreneurship
  Tactical Entrepreneurship Skills
 Practical experience in entrepreneurship while working in
 a start-up or an entrepreneurship relevant department
 (e.g. business development etc.) as intern, employee
 (full time / part time for at least 2 resp. 4 weeks) or
 Participation in events, programs, courses, workshops,
 seminars organized by Startup Tirol, Standortagentur Tirol
 or Impact Hub Tirol (minimum 2 days)
 F-to-F WT

**if not chosen above as mandatory
F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English

*ATTENTION: It is not possible to select an Interdisciplinary Elective as an elective activity in the first Bachelor's study year, but only once participation in the Interdisciplinary Elective has already been confirmed for the 3rd or 5th semester or if it has already been completed.

The Badge earner

  • has completed the online course Entrepreneurship & Business Models
  • has completed the MCI Webinar Introduction into Start-up Management
  • has completed one out of the three Winter Schools:
    • Digital Entrepreneurship
    • Entrepreneurship in Family Firms
    • Innovation & Start-ups
  • has submitted his/her idea to the MCI Creativity Award
  • has completed a minimum of 2 electives related to entrepreneurship
Students' Insights
 Christiane Kaiser  

Christiane Kaiser | Biotechnology
I enjoyed learning something new of a business area I am interested in and want to work in.

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Badge Icon International Career Skills


Badge International Career Skills

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed international career skills including cultural and self-awareness, gained knowledge of different conventions in job applications and experienced international work or study. The badge earner has participated in the compulsory and elective workshops and learning opportunities offered by MCI, submitted a successful reflection paper, demonstrated adequate second language proficiency, and documented international work or study experience.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who have earned this badge

  • have identified their own strengths and weaknesses and have received feedback
  • can assess their suitability for a given job opportunity in an international context
  • are aware of different conventions in job applications in diverse countries
  • are aware of intercultural differences
  • are aware of their own attitudes and cultural biases
  • can speak more than one language
  • have gained international study or work experience of a minimum of 12 weeks in a non-German speaking country within the last 2 years*

Mandatory activities on offer

 Assessment Center Training  Online   WT   EN 
 Interview Training with HR Experts  Online WT EN
 Personal Branding & Profiling  Online WT  EN 
 Working Across Cultures  F-to-F    ST EN

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 2)

 Career Lunch: Tipps für die Bewerbung & Personal
 Crafting Your Life Simulation - An Immersive Experience  F-to-F WT EN
 Finding your Perfect Match  F-to-F WT EN
 LinkedIn für die berufliche Zukunft nutzen  Online
 Salary Negotiations - Earn Your Worth  Online WT EN
 Boost Your Career Prospects with AI - From Applications
 to Interviews
Online ST EN
 Using LinkedIn for a Professional Career  Online 
ST   EN 
 Acting as a Buddy for International Students  F-to-F WT 
 Language Course  F-to-F  WT 

F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English

Incoming students
International degree seeking and incoming exchange students from non-German speaking countries do not need to provide confirmation of study or work experience abroad.


The Badge earner

  • has attended the following seminars/MCIWebinars
    • Assessment Center Training
    • Interview Training with HR Experts
    • Personal Branding & Profiling
    • Working Across Cultures
  • has completed a minimum of 2 electives related to international career development
  • has written a successful reflection paper
  • has prepared a job application and CV in English
  • has provided confirmation of study or work experience of a minimum of 12 weeks in a non-German speaking country within the last 2 years

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Since we are very keen on preparing you in the best possible way for your successful entry into the job market, we offer the Badge: International Career Skills as well as the Badge: Self Marketing, designed specifically to boost your career skills, for free as a special offer. This initiative is generously supported by our Premium Career Partners. Please only register if you are really committed to completing the individual courses and convinced of the value of this program. Note that if you don’t complete the badge program you will be invoiced a cancellation fee of EUR 90.

Badge Icon Responsible Management

Badge Responsible Management

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed a sound understanding of responsible management, including sustainability, responsibility and ethics. The badge earner has participated in the required and elective workshops and learning experiences offered by MCI. They have also submitted a successful reflection paper that demonstrates the ability to apply principles of responsible management to their own context.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • are familiar with the Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Understand the role of corporations in contributing to the creation of sustainable, social, environmental and economic value
  • Have engaged with others in dialogue on key issues related to ethics, global social responsibility, and sustainability
  • Have critically examined various case studies illustrating aspects of ethical and social responsibility issues, also in an intercultural context
  • Have thinking and analytical skills using ethical frameworks
  • Have reflected on and articulated their own stance and role in advancing ethical, sustainable, responsible practices and values

Mandatory activities on offer

 Competences for Responsible Management  Online
 Responsible Management - an Introduction  Online
 Winter School: Business Ethics  Online 
 WT   EN 

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 2)

 Introduction to Circular Economy  Online  WT 
 Young Solutions for a Positive Future  Online WT EN
 Bringing SDGs & IDGs into Practice  Online ST EN
 Climate Literacy Training  Online ST EN
 Corporate Social Responsibility  Online
 Digitalization, Ethics & Values  Online 
 ST   EN 
 EU Values & Digitalization  Blended 
 Leadership for Sustainable Development  Online  ST EN
 Social Entrepreneurship  Online 
 Systems Thinking & Measuring Impact  Online ST EN
 The European Green Deal  Online ST EN
 Participation in 180 DC Innsbruck  F-to-F WT
F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English

The Badge earner

  • has attended the following mandatory offers
    • Competences for Responsible Management
    • Responsible Management – an Introduction
    • Winter School: Business Ethics
  • has completed a minimum of 2 electives related to responsible management
  • has written a successful reflection paper (guided reflection based on questions
Students' Insights
 Dania Stimpfl

Dania Stimpfl | International Business & Management
The Responsible Management badge program has profoundly impacted my understanding of sustainability, ethics, and social impact. The classes have provided me with valuable knowledge and tools to promote responsible management principles in various contexts. As I continue to apply these learnings, I am confident that they will shape my future career and personal endeavors, contributing to a more sustainable and ethical world.

 Gabriela Mannes

Gabriela Mannes | Betriebswirtschaft Online
Ich habe gelernt, wie wichtig es ist, Nachhaltigkeit, Ethik und soziale Verantwortung in den Unternehmenskontext zu integrieren und diese Prinzipien in meiner täglichen Arbeit anzuwenden. Diese Erkenntnisse helfen mir nicht nur, meine berufliche Laufbahn nachhaltiger und verantwortungsvoller zu führen, sondern auch, meine Freund:innen und Kolleg:innen zu inspirieren und zu befähigen, dasselbe zu tun.

 Laura Depauly Laura Depauly | Nonprofit-, Sozial- und Gesundheitsmanagement
I can say that this badge has positively influenced my thinking and showed me ways to see how to change our world for the better. Before this badge I often gave up hope on our future and while I am still sure, that there is a long and difficult way to go in order to pursue positive change, this program showed me many different ways and made me more optimistic
 Lena Hallbrucker

Lena Hallbrucker | Nonprofit-, Sozial- und Gesundheitsmanagement
I am now better equipped to advoate for sustainable practices and appreciate the complexities and challenges involved in transitioning to a green economy. This program has not only expanded my knowledge but also inspired me to contribute actively to climate action in my community and beyond.

 Magdalena Wiebogen

Magdalena Wiebogen | Entrepreneurship & Tourism
I am glad that I chose this badge because it enriched my personal life. I had a lot of fun working with the international students in the course on the different topics, and I learned a lot from their perspective.

 Nora Schief

Nora Schief | Business and Management
As soon as you have a certain expertise in a field that affects many sectors of society in a positive way, you have the duty to speak up. You must use this expertise, this knowledge, apply it yourself, in your personal life, be a role model for others [...].

 Sabrina Schön

Sabrina Schön | Betriebswirtschaft Online
Durch die Teilnahme an den Webinaren habe ich wertvolle Einsichten gewonnen, die mich dazu inspirieren, nachhaltige und ethische Praktiken in meinem beruflichen und persönlichen Leben zu integrieren. Diese Reise der Selbstreflexion und des kontinuierlichen Lernens wird mich weiterhin dazu motivieren, positive Veränderungen in meiner Umgebung herbeizuführen und mich aktiv für eine nachhaltige Zukunft einzusetzen.

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Badge Icon Scientific Data Management

Badge Scientific Data Management

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed skills concerning the management of scientific data. This includes the ability to create and organize as well as statistically analyze data and to display data in meaningful ways. The badge earner has participated in the compulsory and elective workshops and learning opportunities offered by MCI and demonstrated a sound understanding of the way scientific data is supposed to be handled.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who have earned this badge

  • are familiar with and can use various software packages to appropriately manage, manipulate and display a variety of data
  • have a good understanding of underlying principles of data management and programming
  • have basic programming skills for different purposes in technical contexts

Mandatory activities on offer

 LaTeX - Grundlagen  Online 
 LaTeX - Fortgeschritten  Online 
 LaTeX - Engineering Spezial  Online 


Elective activities on offer (minimum of 3)

 Excel für Leicht Fortgeschrittene  Online  WT  GE 
 Visual Presentation of Information & Data  Online
 WT   EN 
 LaTeX - Grundlagen**  Online
 LaTeX - Fortgeschritten**  Online
 LaTeX - Engineering Spezial**  Online
 Digitalization, Ethics & Values  Online 
 Excel für Fortgeschrittene  F-to-F
 Statistische Methoden - SPSS  Online
 Interdisciplinary Elective | WS 2024/25: *
  Python for Engineering and Economics
 The Power of Blockchain and Cryptos

**If not selected as mandatory above
F-to-F = Face-to-face,
WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English

*ATTENTION: It is not possible to select an Interdisciplinary Elective as an elective activity in the first Bachelor's study year, but only once participation in the Interdisciplinary Elective has already been confirmed for the 3rd or 5th semester or if it has already been completed.

The Badge earner

  • has attended the mandatory seminar Matlab
  • Has attended at least 2 of the following mandatory LaTeX courses
    • LaTeX - Grundlagen
    • LaTeX - Fortgeschritten
    • LaTeX - Engineering Spezial
  • has completed a minimum of 3 electives related to scientific data management
  • has successfully completed (passed with 60%) online tests covering the contents of all the chosen mandatory activities (Matlab and LaTeX).

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Badge Icon Self Marketing


Badge Self Marketing

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed self-marketing skills including self-awareness, self-reflection and confidence and are able to articulate and present these in professional contexts and through appropriate channels. The badge earner has participated in the required and elective workshops and learning experiences offered by MCI, submitted a successful reflection paper as well as a CV and application in German and a link to their online professional profile.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • have identified their own strengths and weaknesses and have received feedback
  • can assess their suitability for a given job opportunity
  • know how to write a suitable application and CV in German
  • are aware of various application channels and how to make effective use of them
  • can present themselves as self-reflective individuals in professional contexts

Mandatory activities on offer

 Finding your Perfect Match  F-to-F    WT   EN 
 Assessment Center - Falle oder Chance?  F-to-F
 Bewerbungstraining & Selbstmarketing  F-to-F ST  GE 
 Mein Profil & Karriereplan  F-to-F ST GE

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 2)

 Career Lunch: Tipps für die Bewerbung & Personal
 Crafting Your Life Simulation - An Immersive Experience  F-to-F  WT EN
 How to Build a Personal Website  Online WT
 LinkedIn für die berufliche Zukunft nutzen  Online
 Salary Negotiations - Paractical Tips for Women  Online WT EN
 Boost Your Career Prospects with AI - From Applications
 to Interviews
 Online ST EN
 Career Lunch: Wieviel bin ich wert? Die Gehaltsfrage für
 Sprechtraining - Die Stimme richtig einsetzen  F-to-F ST GE
 Using LinkedIn for a Professional Career  Online  ST
 Volunteering as a Career Development Strategy  Online ST EN
F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English

The Badge earner

  • has attended the following mandatory workshops
    • Finding your Perfect Match
    • Assessment Center - Falle oder Chance?
    • Bewerbungstraining & Selbstmarketing
    • Mein Profil & Karriereplan
  • has completed a minimum of 2 electives related to self marketing
  • has submitted a reflection paper
  • can show a professional online profile on a common social media platform
  • has prepared an application and CV in German

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Since we are very keen on preparing you in the best possible way for your successful entry into the job market, we offer the Badge: International Career Skills as well as the Badge: Self Marketing, designed specifically to boost your career skills, for free as a special offer. This initiative is generously supported by our Premium Career Partners. Please only register if you are really committed to completing the individual courses and convinced of the value of this program. Note that if you don’t complete the badge program you will be invoiced a cancellation fee of EUR 90.

Badge Icon Sustainable Development

Badge Sustainable Development

This badge is awarded to individuals who have developed a sound understanding of the concept of Sustainable Development and the associated real-world challenges, requirements and opportunities for society, environment and business. The badge earner has participated in the compulsory and elective workshops and learning opportunities offered by MCI. They have also submitted a successful reflection paper that demonstrates their understanding of Sustainable Development in relation to their discipline and future career.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who earned this badge

  • can define sustainable development and relate it to their discipline area.
  • have an understanding of the complex and systemic nature of sustainable development.
  • have acquired competencies relating to systems thinking, critical thinking and problem solving in the context of different disciplines including technology, life-science, social science and business.
  • have reflected on their own position and role as individuals and as part of their community and
  • have developed concrete action plans in relevant areas to contribute to addressing current sustainability issues.

Mandatory activities on offer

 Introduction to Sustainable Development  Online 
 WT   EN 
 Climate Literacy Training  Online ST EN
 MOOC: Sustainable Development  Online

Elective activities on offer (minimum of 2)

 Diversitätskompetenzen im Kontext von Nachhaltiger
 F-to-F  WT 
 Introduction to Circular Economy  Online  WT EN
 Young Solutions for a Positive Future  F-to-F  WT   EN 
 Change Lab: The Way into a Sustainable Future  F-to-F  WT
 Bringing SDGs & IDGs into Practice  Online ST EN
 Leadership for Sustainable Development  Online ST EN
 The European Green Deal  Online
 Social Entrepreneurship  Online ST EN
 Systems Thinking & Measuring Impact  Online ST EN
 Summer School: Entrepreneurship for Sustainable
 Online ST EN
 Interdisciplinary Elective | WS 2024/25: *
  Exploring Sustainability: Solutions for Tomorrow
 Making value chains more efficient and sustainable
F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English
*ATTENTION: It is not possible to select an Interdisciplinary Elective as an elective activity in the first Bachelor's study year, but only once participation in the Interdisciplinary Elective has already been confirmed for the 3rd or 5th semester or if it has already been completed.

The Badge earner

  • has attended the following mandatory offers
    • Introduction to Sustainable Development
    • Carbon Literacy Training
    • MOOC: Sustainable Development
  • has attended at least 2 electives related to sustainable development.
  • has submitted a successful reflection of their learnings in a format of their choice (guided reflection based on questions)
Students' Insights
 Denise Hilliard

Denise Hilliard | Business Administration Online
The participation in the different courses of the badge allowed a deeper exploration of the topic of Sustainable Development, and it made me reflect on my personal behavior. It motivated me to bring up this topic in conversations with friends and family members, because the more we talk about it, the more likely it is that change will happen.

 Gabriela Mannes

Gabriela Mannes | Betriebswirtschaft Online
Die Teilnahme an allen Kursen hat mein Verständnis von nachhaltiger Entwicklung vertieft und meine Einstellung grundlegend verändert. Ich habe gelernt, dass nachhaltige Entwicklung eine gemeinsame Verantwortung ist und dass jeder Einzelne einen Beitrag leisten kann. In meinem Berufsleben, meinem Studium und meinem persönlichen Umfeld setze ich nun verstärkt auf nachhaltige Praktiken und sensibilisiere jeden Tag andere für dieses wichtige Thema.

 Gina Debortoli El Abdellaoui

Gina Debortoli-El Abdellaoui | Betriebswirtschaft Online
The workshops and seminars as part of the "Sustainable Development" badge have provided me with many new insights and practical tools to promote sustainability in my personal and professional life. These courses have motivated me to take concrete actions for more sustainable behavior and to inspire others to do the same.

 Katharina Riedl

Katharina Riedl | Management & Recht
Das Wissen und die Erkenntnisse aus dem MCI Badge Sustainable Development haben mein Verhalten und meine Perspektive in verschiedenen Lebensbereichen beeinflusst. Persönlich hat mich die Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Themen dazu gebracht, meinen eigenen Lebensstil kritisch zu hinterfragen und bewusstere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Außerdem plane ich, meine berufliche Karriere im Bereich der nachhaltigen Unternehmensberatung weiterzuentwickeln, um einen Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung der wirtschaftlichen Systeme beizutragen.

 Laura Peko

Laura Peko | Business and Management
My engagement with the Badge "Sustainable Development "has profoundly enriched my understanding and commitment to sustainability. [It has] not only influenced my personal lifestyle choices, such as reducing my carbon footprint and supporting local agriculture but also equipped me with the knowledge to advocate for and implement sustainable practices within my community and future professional endeavours.

 Sonja Yeboah

Sonja Yeboah | Business Administration Online
My participation in the sustainable development badge has been transformative. The seminars deepened my knowledge of sustainability, highlighting the historical roots of sustainability awareness, the multifaceted SDGs, and the European Green Deal. The courses awakened my responsibility to implement sustainable practices in my professional and private life.

 Theresa Mergl

Theresa Mergl | Lebensmitteltechnologie und Ernährung
Als Teilnehmerin an diesen Modulen habe ich nicht nur theoretisches Wissen erworben, sondern auch praktische Fähigkeiten entwickelt, um aktiv zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung beizutragen. Ein wichtiger Schritt war die Reflexion über mein persönliches Verhalten und die Identifizierung von Bereichen, in denen ich Verbesserungen vornehmen kann.

Registration period: 1.09. to 15.10.

Engagement based Badges (for free)

Badge Icon Student Advocate

Badge Student Advocate

This badge is awarded to individuals who have contributed to the MCI Community by investing time and effort to represent and advocate for defined student groups as an official student representative.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who have earned this badge

  • have developed social and communication skills
  • have learned about self-management and organisation
  • have acquired presentation and public speaking skills
  • know about empathy and team skills

Student representative in one of the following functions or committees:

 Class Representation  Entire duration of study program
 Study Program Representation  Minimum of 2 semesters
 MCI University Representation  Minimum of 2 semesters
 Representation in the Academic Council  Minimum of 2 semesters

The badge earner has a

  • Registration of the function/role in MCI Designer for the required period
  • Submission of a reflection on successes, highlights, main issues etc. in an appropriate format (this can include a paper, a screencast, a short video or blog entry)

Evidence Student Advocate ( pdf | 149.63K )

Please have your function/role confirmed via signature on the form from the Student & Career Center: Subsequently, please send a reflection paper (see evidence above) and the form to The chair of the öh mci will check and confirm the reflection paper and the badge will then be sent to you by e-mail.

Badge Icon MCI Ambassador

Badge MCI Ambassador

This badge is awarded to individuals who have shown engagement beyond their immediate study re-quirements. As active students or alumni they have invested time and effort to contribute to the MCI community by promoting MCI programs and services to prospective target groups.

They have participated in a minimum of three different activities such as the MCI Open House, career fairs, and other information events, or took part in the MCI Unibuddy Student Ambassador Program and have provided their unique perspective and experience as an MCI student or alumnus/a.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who have earned this badge

  • have acquired social and communication skills
  • have learned about self-management and organisation
  • are aware of marketing and sales perspectives.

Activities (minimum of 3)
The badge earner can choose from the following activities

 Assistance at school visits S
 Presentation of MCI at the Partner University during the semester abroad S
 “Bring a friend” as part of an MCI initiative, bring a prospective student
 to a lecture
 MCIdea4students: Winning idea S
 Providing advice at MCI events/initiatives S | A
 „Back to School“ Organization/ realization of a school visit at ones
 former school
S | A
 Recommendation S | A
 Initiation of cooperation or activities with companies and organizations S | A
 Participation in MCI video production S | A
 Write an evaluation on an online portal S | A
 Lecture A
 Participation in student admission interviews A

S = Activity for Students, A = Activity for Alumni



The badge earner

  • Has actively participated in a minimum of three promotional activities and has received confirmation from involved departments.

Evidence MCI Ambassador - Students ( pdf | 164.06K )
Evidence MCI Ambassador - Alumni ( pdf | 150.29K )

Once you have completed the required activities and collected the confirmation/evidence of doing so, please send the corresponding confirmation document to

Badge Icon MCI Mentor

Badge MCI Mentor

This badge is awarded to individuals who have formally acted in the role of a mentor for one or more MCI students over a minimum period of one academic year. MCI mentors are an important component of students’ personal and career development and receive customized training that prepares them for this role.

The MCI mentors support students in preparing for their career start, and share their professional and personal experience with their mentees. MCI mentors are companions, who listen, answer questions, provide feedback, motivate, offer advice and convey their own successes and life lessons. They also provide access to their professional networks.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who have earned this badge

  • have participated in the MCI mentoring training session
  • have honed their mentoring & coaching skills, in particular their abilities to inspire and support young talents
  • have further enhanced their leadership, communication and interpersonal skills
  • have further developed their capacity for self-awareness and reflection and shared their own practice and experience

The badge earner

  • has actively participated in the mandatory mentoring training session
  • has formally mentored at least one student over the duration of one academic year.
  • has submitted the mentoring report card
Badge Icon Volunteer

Badge Volunteer

This badge is awarded to MCI students and staff who have made a significant contribution to the community during their time at MCI by offering their time, efforts, skills and knowledge. By engaging in volunteering, the badge earner has contributed to MCI’s Third Mission and social impact strategy. At the same time, they have invested in personal and professional growth and development through the volunteering activities during their time at MCI and through their participation in relevant preparatory courses.

Competences, skills & knowledge

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who have earned this badge

  • are aware of their values and roles as responsible citizens
  • have enhanced their ability to work and share their expertise with diverse groups of people
  • have developed empathy and team skills
  • have acquired social and communication skills
  • have learned about self-management and organization
  • have engaged in structured self-reflection based on their volunteering experience

Mandatory activities on offer
The badge earner has completed the following activities:

 Introduction to Volunteering/Freiwilligenarbeit*
 Introduction to Volunteering/Freiwilligenarbeit*
 Volunteering Work (60 hours or more)
 Volunteering is defined as voluntary and unpaid activity in the context of social
 or civic institutions, associations or actions.


*either or

Elective activities on offer

F-to-F = Face-to-face, WT = Winter term, ST = Summer term, GE = German, EN = English


The badge earner has

  • participated in the mandatory online introduction course: Introduction to Volunteering/Freiwilligenarbeit
  • submitted written confirmation from the organization where the service was carried out detailing the type of work and number of hours carried out
  • submitted a reflection on their volunteering experience in a format of their choice (this can include a paper, a screencast, a short video or blog entry)

Please note:
Volunteering work recognized for this badge

  • must take place during your time at the MCI
  • can take place in Austria or abroad
  • must be confirmed by the volunteer organization/association/action (incl. tasks and temporal extent)
  • is intended to strengthen particularly the following competencies: self-organization, communication skills, conflict resolution skills, leadership skills, teaching, empathy, dealing with diversity, adaptability, personal initiative, etc.

For questions and clarifications contact


General Information

What is a skills based badge?

A badge is a digital certificate that shows skills acquired outside the formal study program. There are two types of badges at MCI:

  • Skills based Badges are awarded based on participation in various seminars and other learning activities in a competence area.
  • Engagement based Badges are awarded on the basis of special engagement around and/or at the MCI in certain areas: for example by being a student representative or an ambassador for the MCI, as a mentor for students or through voluntary work.
What makes a badge special?

MCI offers badges to all MCI students who have collected experience and additional qualifications by engaging in extracurricular activities. You may select your badges according to your preferences, personal interests, and individual career plans. This allows you to create a unique career portfolio for future job applications. In addition, the badge program gives you an opportunity to enhance your digital skills and teaches you to take responsibility for lifelong learning.

Why do I need a badge?

Badges make acquired skills and/or special engagement visible to everyone, including potential employers, project partners, clients, etc. and can be shared efficiently via social media.

Do I receive ECTS for participating in the MCI Badge Program?

No, no ECTS are awarded for participation in the MCI Badge Program.

However, there are the following exceptions:

  • If individual courses such as winter or summer schools include ECTS, these are extracurricular ECTS. The extent to which you can have these accredited towards your study program is to be decided on a case-by-case basis by the relevant study program.
  • In some study programs, it is possible to complete a badge as an elective subject. In this case, the successful completion of the corresponding badge is accredited as a course in your regular study program with ECTS credits. Depending on the study program, only specific badges are eligible.
Do completed badges appear in the Transcript of Records?

No, badges are not listed in the Transcript of Records.

How much time and effort does it take to participate in the MCI Badge Program?

The amount of time and effort required for each badge is very individual and depends greatly on you personally. For one person, the time and effort required to participate in two badges is minimal, for someone else, participating in just one badge is a major additional challenge.

In any case, we recommend that you compare the dates of the individual badge activities with your already known schedule before registering and to start with just one badge. In the next academic year, it will already be easier to assess whether the time and effort required to participate is manageable for you.

Can I also participate in the MCI Badge Program during my semester abroad or internship?

Yes, participation is also possible during your semester abroad or internship, as long as the badge events you have selected are offered online (synchronous or asynchronous).

In which language are badges offered?

Almost all badges can be completed entirely in English, only the two badges Scientific Data Management and Self Marketing are largely held in German.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

Please contact us at:

Into Action

Within what period of time must a badge be completed?

A badge is usually completed within one academic year. Registration takes place in the fall and the badge will be issued in the summer.

Where can I document my participation in the MCI Badge Program?

After successful registration at the beginning of the academic year, all selected activities will be entered into your schedule and you will be given access to the Sakai page of the selected badge, where you can document your progress on an ongoing basis.

During the academic year, you must take part in the activities you have selected (mandatory and elective activities). If you are unable to attend an activity, please let us know as soon as possible via

At the end of the academic year, all additionally required certificates of achievement (which will differ depending on the badge) must be uploaded to the corresponding badge Sakai site under "Assignments". The deadline for this is always June 30.

Is there a minimum attendance rate for the selected activities?

Yes, for successful participation in an activity, a minimum attendance rate of 75% must be achieved. Compensation work is usually not possible.

What happens if I cannot take part in a selected badge activity?

If you are unable to attend an activity, please let us know as soon as possible via Depending on whether it is a mandatory activity or an elective, non-attendance has different consequences. We will be happy to help you in this matter, do not hesitate to contact us.

How do I keep track of my badge progress?

On the Sakai site of the corresponding badge, you can keep track of your badge progress via the menu item "My Badge Progress". If, over the course of the academic year, you no longer know which career events you have already successfully attended, you can view the confirmations of attendance / certificates you have received via myMCI in the "Documents" section. You can check all the remaining courses in your schedule at any time.


When can I register for a badge?

Online registration for the MCI Badge Program is possible every year from September 1 to October 15 at

How can I register for a badge?

At you will find a separate registration button for each badge, which leads to the corresponding registration form. All the necessary fields must be filled in. By clicking on the "Submit" button, you will be automatically forwarded to the payment tool. Your registration is only valid after successful payment and receipt of the registration confirmation.

How many badges can be obtained per academic year?

We recommend taking part in no more than 2 badges per academic year. The regular studies should not be neglected by the additional extracurricular activities.

Can I take part in more than the required minimum number of elective activities?

Yes, you can register for more than the minimum number of elective activities. However, please note that you should only register for activities that you will actually take part in. If you are unable to attend any of the activities you have selected, please let us know as soon as possible via

How can previously completed career events be credited?

If you have already completed career events in a previous academic year that are included in the badge of your choice, you can simply list these in the "Recognition of Prior Learning" field in the registration form. Simply enter the title of the relevant career event and the semester in which the course took place. After the information has been checked manually, these activities will be credited to you and do not have to be completed a second time.

Can a career event be credited for multiple badges?

Yes, if you have registered for two badges that include one or more of the same events, these will automatically be credited towards both badges once you have successfully completed them. The reason for this is that the badges are about "acquiring skills" and not about "completing certain hours".

How much does the participation in the badge program cost?

Generally, a flat fee of EUR 90 is charged per badge. In some years, the badges "Self Marketing" and "International Career Skills" may be sponsored by companies and are therefore free of charge.

What is included in the badge fee?

The badge flat fee includes all the events and activities you have selected as well as the awarding of the digital badge.

How does the payment of the badge fee work?

The payment takes place during the registration process. You can pay the badge fee either via credit card or SOFORT bank transfer. Payment via invoice is not possible.

Can a badge registration be canceled?

In general yes, but a cancellation is only free of charge if no selected badge activity has taken place so far.


How will I receive my badge?

After manual verification of the requirements by the MCI Student & Career Center, you will receive your badge via email. After that you'll just need to register at (with the email address you've received the badge email) and from there you can view/download your badge and publish it on platforms such as LinkedIn or XING.

What happens if I do not meet the requirements for receiving the badge at the end of the academic year?

Unfortunately, this means that you will not be awarded the badge.

However, you can get in touch with us to see if we can find a possible individual solution:

Is it possible to receive a badge earlier than the end of the academic year?

Yes, it is possible to receive a badge early, provided that you have already completed all mandatory activities, participated in the minimum number of elective activities and uploaded all additionally required certificates of achievement to Sakai. Please contact if you need your badge early so that all requirements can be checked by the MCI Student & Career Center.

How can I publish my badge?

You will find instructions on how to do this on the relevant Badge Sakai page under "My Badge Progress" in the document "Getting, Publishing & Managing your Badge".


General Information & Details

What is an engagement based badge?

A badge is a digital certificate that shows skills acquired outside the formal study program. There are two types of badges at MCI:

  • Skills based Badges are awarded based on participation in various seminars and other learning activities in a competence area.
  • Engagement based Badges are awarded on the basis of special engagement around and/or at the MCI in certain areas: for example by being a student representative or an ambassador for the MCI, as a mentor for students or through voluntary work.
When does the registration take place?
  • Student Advocate: at any time during your studies at MCI and also retroactively as an MCI graduate.
  • MCI Ambassador: at any time during your studies at MCI as well as an MCI graduate.
  • MCI Mentor: as an MCI graduate within the framework of the MCI Mentoring Program.
  • Volunteer: at any time during your studies at MCI.
How do I register?
  • Student Advocate: simply fill out the corresponding PDF form and send it to
  • MCI Ambassador: simply fill out the corresponding PDF form and send it to
  • MCI Mentor: after having been invited as MCI Mentor by your study program, you only have to fill in the online registration form for mentors.
  • Volunteer: via an online registration form.
How much does participation cost?

Participation in an "engagement based badge" is free of charge.

Within what period of time must this kind of badge be completed?
  • Student Advocate: the required activities must have taken place during your studies at MCI.
  • MCI Ambassador: the activities can be carried out during the course of your studies or afterwards.
  • MCI Mentor: within one academic year.
  • Volunteer: all requirements can be fulfilled during the entire course of your studies at MCI.
General Terms & Conditions
  • All the extracurricular courses and assignments etc. have to be completed by the end of the current academic year; the 75% attendance requirement applies to all courses as usual; compensation work is normally not possible.
  • Participants have to read all relevant information about digital badges in general and know all the requirements of the single badge they register for.
  • The registration for a badge is binding.
  • Students can register for a maximum of 2 badges only per academic year.
  • All respective seminars, webinars, etc. are included in the flat fee of EUR 90 per badge. If students discontinue their participation in the badge program and do not complete all requirements, they will be invoiced for all workshops and seminars they have attended if their total costs exceed EUR 90. The flat fee is not refundable.
  • Enrollment in more than the minimal number of elective courses is possible and included in the flat fee of EUR 90. However, participants muss attend all courses they have registered for to the generally required attendance rate of at least 75%. If they fail to participate or do not de-register 2 weeks before the course begins, they will be charged the full course fee.
  • Management Center Innsbruck will communicate the MCI email address of the participants to Open Badge Factory, the badge issuing platform used for the badge program. Open Badge Factory complies with EU legislation on privacy and data protection and does not pass any information on to other third parties without consent. More detailed information about Open Badge Factory’s policies is available here: Open Badge Factory Privacy Policy & Open Badge Factory Data protection statement
  • Management Center Innsbruck reserves the right to withdraw a badge from the annual offer should the minimal number of registrations not be reached.

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