Student Support

Student Support

MCI Study & Learn

Lifelong learning & self-organization

On this page you can find valuable resources that help you to navigate the (digital) MCI campus with ease. In addition, you can discover a wealth of tips and tools on the topics of learning, productivity, motivation and collaboration that will help you to make your day-to-day studies even more successful.

Why is lifelong learning so important? How do I actually learn properly? Are there methods that make learning and working easier for me? Learning educates and opens up new perspectives in life. We'll show you how to make it a companionable part of your life. Our tips for more productivity will help you learn more effectively and be successful in your studies and career.

Here you will find everything you need to manage your studies with confidence and success.

Some students sit together in an auditory.
MCI Online Campus

We will show you how to find your way around your new campus.

Exam Preparation & Exam Anxiety

Exams are an important part of daily life in higher education: no one can get around them and few remain completely unimpressed by them. There are as many kinds of exam preparation as there are students. Nervousness and anxiety prior to or during exams are normal and, to a certain extent, may even enhance performance. Anxiety becomes a problem when it significantly interferes with performance and causes pressure.

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning as a comprehensive term means continuously developing and meeting the constantly growing demands of the modern educational environment. This chapter deals with basic topics related to effective learning. This will help you lay the foundation for a successful academic career and provide you with the tools to reach your full potential.

Digital Skills & Support

One student is sitting in the library.

You have organizational or content-related questions about your study program? You have questions about Sakai, myMCI, Webmail or about software and hardware? You need literature from our library? You would like to further develop and deepen your study skills? Do you need help using Adobe Connect? Here you will find the right contact persons.

Digital skills

In today's world of constant technological advancement, our professional and personal environments are in a state of continuous change. It is crucial that our attitudes and mindsets reflect this digital dynamism and that we do not get caught in an outdated mindset. But how can we develop the necessary digital skills to think beyond boundaries? This section provides information on fundamental aspects such as data protection and security in the digital space and, building on this, also includes the effective use of artificial intelligence in an educational context.

Have you discovered our Career Calendar yet? We offer a variety of seminars, workshops and webinars on "Study Skills".

With the Badge „Learning Skills“ you will develop a range of skills that allow you to successfully manage your learning and self-management.

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