Praxisprojekt DenkSportWeg

Date 2022-07-18

The DenkSportWeg supports cognitive skills. The task of the students was to identify why Tyrolean municipalities do not implement it.

The DenkSportWeg project is not implemented by Tyrolean municipalities, although it keeps the Tyrolean population cognitively, motorically, and physically fit. The offer is tailored to the needs of people over the age of 60. So far, the DenkSportWeg has only been implemented in Innsbruck and this is to be changed.

The MCI student team from the Nonprofit, Social, and Health Management program conducted expert interviews and sent out an online survey to all 279 Tyrolean municipalities. The research revealed that first and foremost, awareness of the DenkSportweg must be increased to subsequently achieve implementation. Furthermore, the offer should be advertised in a more intergenerational way so that it appeals to more intergenerational groups and families. In addition, the research showed that the networks of the Katholisches Bildungswerk (SelbsA groups) are a good opportunity for the dissemination and implementation of the DenkSportweg to promote awareness of the project.



Fact Box
  • Study Program: Nonprofit, Social and Health Management
  • Team: Sophia von Ascheraden, Wolfa Fries, Sarah Köfler, Charlotte Pölzl und Felix Troger
  • Supervisor(s): FH-Prof. Dr. Nils Mevenkamp, Mag. Dr. Margit Schäfer und Lukas Kerschbaumer, BA MA
  • Partner Organisation: Diözese Innsbruck, Mag. Angelika Stegmayr
  • Year project was carried out: 2022

Partner Statement
We found the collaboration with the students very enriching. Through the joint project, it was possible to conduct a broad survey, as well as qualitative interviews. The result brings us closer to our goal - a DenkSportWeg in every Tyrolean valley. - Mag. Angelika Stegmayr, Diözese Innsbruck, BILDUNG.gestalten

Further Information