Development of a national concept for secondary prevention of bowel cancer throughout Austria and comparison of existing international best practices.

Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers in industrialized countries. In Austria, there is no national screening which leads to a comparatively low participation rate. The goal of this project was to illustrate success factors that lead to a maximum participation rate. In addition, the status quo of the implementation process of national bowel screening in Austria was outlined.

To sum up, it can be seen, that organized bowel cancer screening in Austria can only be successful if the population thereby also makes use of the offer. In the case of organized screening, it will therefore be necessary to develop a concrete, low-threshold strategy for the risk group and to communicate this to the target group accordingly. A concept like the one in the Netherlands could also work in Austria with adaptations to the national healthcare system.



Fact Box
  • Study Program: Nonprofit-, Social- & Health Management
  • Team: Hanna Spöttl, Lili Pellizzari, Laura Unterberger, Lisa Gawes, Julian Schmidhofer
  • Supervisor(s): Dr. Vladan Antonovic PhD, Mag. Jolanda Baur, Dr. Wei Manske-Wang, Dr. Siegfried Walch
  • Partner Organisation: Österreichische Gesundheitskasse
  • Year project was carried out: 2022

Partner Statement
Through international best practice examples, the importance of population-based, national colorectal cancer screening could be demonstrated. The screening strategy as well as low-threshold access and education play a significant role with regard to the participation rate. Through these results, recommendations for the further implementation process of a national colorectal cancer screening in Austria can be derived.