Participation and engagement of young people in the Austrian worker’s union, ÖGB

There are various reasons for the declining membership figures within the ÖGB. For example, the supposedly increasing disenchantment with politics, but also the general structural change. In addition, the baby boomer generation, which is strong in terms of numbers, is gradually retiring. It is therefore important to find ways to reach young people between the ages of 15 and 25 and convince them to become members. The purpose of this project was to investigate communication options to motivate young people to get involved in the ÖGB.

The most frequently cited reason why young people want to get involved with a club or organization is interest in the content. There is no difference between the various age groups. Young people can imagine getting involved in environmental protection, equal rights and human rights in particular. Friends play an important role as an influencing factor for getting involved, especially among the younger respondents. Two-thirds of young people are familiar with the ÖGB, but only some of them know exactly what it does. Young people would like to be educated and informed about the trade union federation in the educational institutions of school and university.

Austrian worker's union youth

Austrian worker's union youth

Fact Box
  • Study Program: Nonprofit-, Sozial- und Gesundheitsmanagement
  • Team: Majeric Sanja, Wentz Christina, Weichenberger Lea, Wunderer Claudia
  • Supervisor(s): Heiss Raffael, Windbichl Renate
  • Partner Organisation: Österreichsicher Gewerkschaftsbund, ÖGB
  • Year project was carried out: 2021

Partner Statement:
The project with the students has shown us new and unexpected results. Based on this, we can look at our previous communication strategies from a new angle and possibly find new ones. - Philip Pollak, ÖGJ Landesjugendsekretär and Helena Sachers, ÖGJ