October 28th 2022


Dear Students,

we have the great pleasure of inviting you to the following “Inspirational Lecture” of our partner university in Warsaw (Warsaw University of Technology - Business School)

The need for intelligence in the private sector in order to adjust to a rapidly changing security landscape.
DR KYLE CUNLIFFE - Salford School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology, University of Salford, UK

As the world enters what pundits are calling the ‘new Cold War’, the private sector will be on the frontline of hostilities between nation-states. In the information era, businesses have already had to grapple with malicious risks such as hacking and insider threats (better known as spies), but as relations with Russia and China decline, those risks are now reaching new frontiers. Sophisticated industrial espionage, sponsored by foreign intelligence agencies, poses a new level of danger for the private sector. In this talk, I will discuss those risks, and propose how businesses might combat this problem through the age-old craft of counterintelligence.

Short Facts
  • 02.11.2022
  • 05:00 PM (GMT +1)
  • Online
