Help in the Stubaital

 Developing a digital map that is easily accessible for those seeking and offering help in the Stubaital.

The goal is to offer a digital social map, ensuring access to information pointing to assistance-providing institutions and initiatives in the Stubaital. Through the platform, those seeking help are able to quickly and easily find information about various offerings. Also, it should enable volunteers to offer their support and participate in community life.

The aim of the specification document is to define clear guidelines in order to digitalize the Zamm.wachsen" project. It defines the specific requirements, functionalities and objectives, which was initiated by Caritas. The detailed description of the project goals and requirements will enable an efficient development and implementation of the digital platform. Ultimately, the specifications should ensure that the solution contributes to social integration and cohesion within the community.

Help in the Stubaital

Help in the Stubaital

Fact Box
  • Study Program: Management, Communication & IT
  • Team: cohort 21
  • Supervisor(s): Kristian Hasenjäger
  • Partner Organisation: Caritas Tirol
  • Year project was carried out: 2023

Further Information