Gemeinschaftsküche – Pradler Saggen

The project deals with an emerging communal space in the Pradler saggen of the neue Heimat Tirol in Innsbruck.

There have been changes in society, which have also led to a change in the perception of social solidarity. Since solidarity is indispensable for a good life together, structures are needed to promote it. The project focuses on the emerging communal space in the Pradler Saggen of the Neue Heimat Tirol (NHT).

As part of a social space and situation analysis an online survey was created for the inhabitants of the Pradler saggen area. Furthermore, two interviews were conducted with managers of already established communal spaces in Germany and a networking map was created, in which social associations within the vicinity of the community kitchen are labelled.

The evaluation of the survey showed that the inhabitants of the Pradler saggen are still rather critical of the meeting place and student housing.

The interviews with the two managers of communal spaces with similar conditions to the NHT community kitchen highlighted the added social value of such a place.

The networking map shows all social associations close to the community kitchen. This could be a starting point for the NHT to find potential cooperation partners for the NHT community kitchen.

Group Photo

Group Photo

Fact Box
  • Study Program: Nonprofit- Social- & Health Care Management
  • Team: Chiara Haas, Andreja Kondic, Charlotte Wiant
  • Supervisor(s): Mag. Dr. Margit Schäfer, Dr. Lukas Kerschbaumer, Prof. Dr. Nils Mevenkamp
  • Partner Organisation: Neue Heimat Tirol
  • Year project was carried out: 2023

Partner Statement
"Housing is a basic need and should therefore be affordable for all. NEUE HEIMAT TIROL has been fulfilling this legal mandate for almost 85 years. We also see it as our task to create places of meeting places in our residential buildings. Under the motto: "together one is less lonely" - a place is created in the Pradler Saggen to meet, to exchange and to participate in various activities.

A challenge for us as owners, a chance for the residents of the area. An opportunity for the residents of the area to get to know each other, to share hobbies and perhaps to let friendships grow. Thank you to the dedicated team of the MCI project group for their energetic and valuable support in the development process." - Gerda Embacher, NHT

Further Information