Fundraising for small associations using the example of the association Damma wos

Development of a fundraising concept, which should lead to an increase of the already active number of donors to 100 "friends", long-term donors

The association Damma wos has too few donors and is a donation-dependent organization. The reason for this is, for example, the wide range of donation-acquiring organizations. According to Fundraising Verband Austria, there are over 100,000 donation-acquiring organizations in Austria alone. Therefore, it is a great challenge to stand out from the competition, not to be displaced on the market and to win potential donors for the association Damma wos through transparent public relations.

The project team conducted a literature review, a quantitative study by means of an online questionnaire (target group: active donors of the Damma wos association) and, as part of the qualitative research, 4 interviews (2 expert interviews and 2 interviews with active donors from the Damma wos association). The most important success factors leading to donation acquisition are transparency, target group analysis, brand & network, communication & appreciation and donor behavior/retention. It is advantageous to increase the level of awareness through various measures such as cooperation with other organizations and especially in the district, be present at events. In terms of communication/appreciation, it is desirable to maintain a personalized donor database to optimize appreciation.

Team Photo

Team Photo

Fact Box
  • Study Program: Nonprofit-, Social- and Health Care Management
  • Team: Anna Ender, Lucia Feuerbach, Barbara Perkmann
  • Supervisor(s): FH-Prof. Dr. Nils Mevenkamp, Mag. Renate Windbichler, Dr. Raffael Heiss
  • Partner Organisation: Damma wos
  • Year project was carried out: 2023

Partner Statement
Definitely a cooperation with added value for both sides. The cooperation with the students was flawless. Thanks to the high quality, the final project report is an excellent basis for further steps in the association.
Peter Hofer MSc - Damma wos