Die Projektgruppe hat im Zuge des Praxissemesters einen Fragebogen zur Erhebung der Kund:innenzufriedenheit in der mobilen Begleitung ausgearbeitet.
The "Integrierte Wohnen Tirol" accompanies people with support needs from the age of 16. Now IWO would like to conduct a customer satisfaction survey to ensure service quality. However, the survey is usually not possible with standardized questionnaires due to different diagnoses.
Our project team created a questionnaire for “Integriertes Wohnen Tirol” to survey customer satisfaction. For this purpose, interviews with employees and a document analysis were conducted. The results of the interviews showed, among other things, that it is considered useful if the questionnaire is completed with the help of third parties. In addition, education, good preparation and flexibility are important prerequisites for conducting the survey. The document analysis revealed that there are hardly any questionnaires in “easy language” and that mainly ordinal scales with text descriptions are used.
![Team Photo](/images/Learning Solutions/Community_Projects/SurveyOfCustomerSatisfactionInMobileSupportServices.png)
Team Photo
- Study Program: Nonprofi-, Sozial- und Gesundheitsmanagement
- Team: Julia Fally, Johanna Kathrein und Lina – Marie Schwietale
- Supervisor(s): FH-Prof. Dr. Nils Mevenkamp, Mag. Jolanda Baur, FH-Prof. Dr. Wei Manske-Wang
- Partner Organisation: Integriertes Wohnen Tirol gem. GmbH
- Year project was carried out: 2023
Further Information