In order to establish a long-term network of Healthy Communities in Tyrol, a working group consisting of GemNova, Avomed and the association Sicheres Tirol was founded. The model communities Fiss, Ladis and Serfaus were available as interested project partners.
The aim of the student project was, on the one hand, to analyse national and international concepts of "healthy communities" and to assess the need for health-promoting measures in the model region as a starting point for the "Healthy Community" initiative.
The students conducted a quantitative survey in the model region of Fiss, Ladis and Serfaus as well as telephone interviews with older people on the topics of health, safety and participation. The desire for health-promoting activities that contribute to increasing the sense of community as well as the need for further education, leisure and sport were weighted differently in the three communities. This evaluation, as well as the entire seminar work on the topic of the Healthy Community, was presented to the three mayors and office heads by the "ARGE Gesunde Gemeinde." The next steps for implementation are the municipal council resolutions on the Healthy Community and the invitation of the population in the three municipalities to the kick-off workshop. In addition to the presentation of the results, the start-up workshop will give the citizens the opportunity to express their personal wishes on the topic of health promotion in their municipality and to discuss these together. These will take place in September/October 2020, in compliance with the Covid-19 safety precautions.
![Healthy Community](/images/Learning Solutions/Community_Projects/gesundegemeinde.jpg)
A working group consisting of GemNova, Verein Sicheres Tirol and avomed is implementing a health promotion project supported by the FGÖ to promote the "Healthy Community in Tirol" in the model region of Fiss, Ladis and Serfaus.
The aim of the Healthy Community is to promote the health of the citizens where they live, work and reside - directly in the community. A Healthy Community creates sustainable, communal structures with and for its citizens in order to motivate people to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
- Study Program: Nonprofit-, Social- und Health Care Management (Bachelor)
- Team: Corinna Baudisch, Fatemeh Berari, Verena Heil, Hannah Hofreiter
- Supervisor(s): FH-Prof. Dr. Nils Mevenkamp; FH-Prof. Dr. Siegfried Walch; Mag. Jolanda Baur, Dr. Vladan Antonovic
- Partner Organisation: GemNova, Verein Sicheres Tirol, avomed
- Year project was carried out: 2020
Partner statement:
"With the surveys in the project communities, we have taken a step forward in raising awareness about health and health promotion and can start the implementation of the 'Healthy Community' initiative in Serfaus, Fiss, Ladis in autumn with the workshops.”
Further Information
The Fonds Gesundes Österreich, the Province of Tyrol and the ÖGK finance the professional support by the team of the ARGE Gesunde Gemeinde Tirol.
Further information on the project: Tel.: +43 (0)660 625 05 90