I.E.C.T. – Summer School on Entrepreneurship 2018
16th-22nd August 2018 | Werkstätte Wattens-Forum Alpbach | Application Deadline: May 27, 2018
You are a researcher or an early-stage start-up and you want to turn your idea into reality?
THEN APPLY NOW for the I.E.C.T. – Summer School on Entrepreneurship 2018!
6 intensive days surrounded by the Alps where you...
learn how to commercialize your research/idea successfully
meet renowned entrepreneurs and experts from Cambridge/UK, Germany and Austria
receive tools and enlarge your network to develop your idea and bring it to the next level
work within a like-minded community and profit from the knowhow of all contributors
present your idea in front of international business angels, investors and expert
collect invaluable feedback
Who is it for?
Master and PhD students, post-docs and researchers as well as early-stage start-ups from the fields of technology, science, advanced engineering, physics, life science, mathematics, photonics, AI and IT
For more detailed information visit: https://www.iect.at/iect-summer-school-on-entrepreneurship
Good to know:
All participants of the I.E.C.T. – Summer School will have access to the technology Symposium of the European Forum Alpbach on the 23rd of August 2018.
What's new?
This year’s participants have the chance to apply for a company fellowship. Check out all information and requirements here: www.iect.at/fellowship
Develop your business idea, expand your network, enlarge your know-how!
I.C.E.T. Summer School
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