12. Februar 2021


Are you ready for the largest startup pitch competition in the world?

With support of AustrianStartups, the Austrian Angel Investors Association brings the Startup World Cup, hosted by Pegasus Tech Ventures, to Austria as part of the ViennaUp’21 in May 2021! After three digital pre-selection-events and the Austrian finale, the winner gets the chance to pitch at the finals in San Francisco in front of more than 2,500 investors and win up to $1M investment!

Regional online pitch preliminary decisions for Tyrol and Vorarlberg:
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - 6pm


  • Digital Health & BioTech
  • Social & Climate Impact
  • Future of Work & EduTech
  • Cybersecurity & Big Data

Get more info here: https://www.startupworldcup-austria.com

Short Facts
  • Application phase for pre-events: February 1 to February 21, 2021
  • Pre-selection event for Tyrol and Vorarlberg: March 17, 2021 - 6pm

Apply now!

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