23. Januar 2025

IESEG Summer Programs in Paris

Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability | Digital Marketing | Entrepreneurship and Innovation | Fashion Business | International Summer Academy

Are you looking for a rich academic experience in a highly international context? IÉSEG Summer Programs are a unique opportunity to explore business courses, corporate sessions, and enjoy cultural visits in the emblematic city of Paris!

Choose one of the following 2-week programs, which take place from July 7 to July 18, 2025:

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Digital Marketing
  • Fashion Business
  • Artificial Intelligence & Sustainability

For more details on the programs: https://www.ieseg.fr/en/programs/short-term-programs/



  • Tuition Fees for topic-based courses: 1,350 EUR for MCI Students
  • Housing Package: 1,200 EUR
  • Administration Fee: 250 EUR
  • TOTAL: 2,800 EUR for MCI Students
  • Scholarships are availabe and cover up to 50% of the tuition fees


IÉSEG Summer Programs are:

  • an opportunity to study a variety of business and management courses
  • a possibility to build cross cultural skills through a full immersion in an international environment,
  • a unique educational experience of intensive cross-disciplinary study focused on cutting-edge subjects,
  • faculty composed by leading scholars and representatives from a variety of national and international organizations.
Short Facts


Please inform also Ms. Kerstin Maier (kerstin.maier@mci.edu) if you intend to apply for this summer school.

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