Systems Thinking & Measuring Impact

Target Group

The program encourages participants from diverse backgrounds to apply. It is especially well suited for master students and young professionals with a strong drive to achieve systemic change in their future careers in the public-, private-, citizen- and science-sector.



Participants learn about Systems Thinking on different levels:

  • The need for systemic perspectives
  • The landscape of system theory
  • System Thinking as a practical methodology and how to apply in practice

Secondly they learn about

  • Basic understanding of impact and the approach of managing impact
  • International tools and principles in impact measurement
  • Case Studies


Many approaches in economy, policy, science and civil society today have not led to to the long-term solution of today’s grand challenges, like climate change, inequality or discrimination. This is in part due to a lack of systemic perspective and approaches that acknowledge the complexity and interdependence of many of those challenges. This webinar introduces to the concept of system thinking as a methodology, that can be applied within organizations and society in general. From this systemic perspective on impact entrepreneurship and change, the course proceeds to the topic of measuring impact, addressing one of the greatest trend and challenge in the field. Students will dive into the fundamentals of how positive impact can be measured and managed, thus transferring the systemic mindset into practical approaches based on case studies and international norms.

Short Facts
  • Date: 31.03. + 04.04.2025, 5.30 – 8.00 pm
  • Format: Online - MCI Webinar, 2 x 3 TU
  • Costs: EUR 20,-
  • Lecturer: Alexander Auer, Jana Ganzmann
  • Group size: Max. 25 participants
  • Methodology: Presentation and interactive discussion
  • Language: English
  • Badge: Responsible Management, Sustainable Development
  • Venue: Online Classroom

Registration for this career event starts on February 01, 2025!

Online Registration

Online Registration Badges

Students who participate in a Badge program are kindly asked to register for this career event only via: