
Business & Legal English (M&R-B-2-B_11-BLE-ILV)

  • Bachelorstudiengang Management & Recht
Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
  • M&R-B-2-B_11-BLE-ILV
Niveau der Lehrveranstaltung laut Lehrplan
  • Bachelor
  • Spring 2025
Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird
  • 2
Anzahl der zugewiesenen ECTS-Credits
  • 4.0
Name des/der Vortragenden
  • Galvin Brian
  • Mag. Dr. Schrott Sabine
Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    Through more complex, business-related language situations, students will expand their business-specific vocabulary while improving and developing their C1-level language skills. In addition, this course focuses on the study of authentic legal texts from both academic and professional contexts to familiarize students with the English language skills required to work in international business law contexts. The main part of the course focuses on the language of corporate law, international Law and the law of torts.
Art der Veranstaltung
  • face-to-face
empfohlene optionale Programmeinheiten
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    Business English II
    Through more complex, business-related language situations, students will expand their
    business-specific vocabulary while improving and developing their language skills to the
    C1 level and improve their language skills.

    Legal English I
    - European legal terminology / Anglo-American legal terminology
    - Courts, legal practice and areas of law
    - legal forms
    - Contract clauses and contract law
empfohlene Fachliteratur
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    Murphy, R. (2019). English Grammar in Use (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
    Waite, M. (2013). Oxford Paperback Thesaurus (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.

    Business Spotlight
    The Economist
    Time Magazine
Lehr- und Lernformen
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    The course comprises an interactive mix of lectures, discussions and individual and group work.
  • English
  • none

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