
The Digital Transformation of the Financial Industry (IEL-B-3+5-WPM-IEL)

  • Bachelorstudiengang Management & Recht
Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
  • IEL-B-3+5-WPM-IEL
Niveau der Lehrveranstaltung laut Lehrplan
  • Bachelor
  • Fall 2024
Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird
  • 5
Anzahl der zugewiesenen ECTS-Credits
  • 5.0
Name des/der Vortragenden
  • Dozent Dr. Herberger Tim
Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    Upon completion of this elective course, students will be able to:

    Upon completion of this elective course, students will be able to:-Students learn about the latest developments in the financial markets and corporate finance in the financial sector's digital transformation context.

    Students understand the necessary adjustments in financial literacy caused by the fundamental changes in the financial industry.

    As part of a flip-classroom and research-based concept, the goal is for students to prepare the theory-based content self-study and apply it in a practical but research-oriented manner together with the lecturer during the synchronous teaching period and discuss it critically. This generates in-depth and knowledge-based competence on the part of the students.
empfohlene optionale Programmeinheiten
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    - FinTechs and Techfins as new players in the financial industry
    - Financial Intermediation in a digitalized environment (e.g., the role of fake news on capital markets)
    - Platform-based financial Instruments (e.g., Crowdfunding, Social Trading)
    - AI-based Instruments in the financial industry (e.g., Robo Advisory)
    - Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies in the financial industry (e.g., DeFi-Networks, stablecoins, cryptocurrencies as a regular currency, Central Bank Digital Currency)
    - Challenges for Financial Literacy in a digitalized finance eco-system.
empfohlene Fachliteratur
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python (2nd Edition),
    Learning Python (5th Edition),
    Python Data Science Handbook,
    Python Algorithms - Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language,
    Python for Probability, Statistics and Machine Learning.
Lehr- und Lernformen
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    The course comprises an interactive mix of lectures, discussions and individual and group work.
  • English
  • none

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